Ever wonder how often the wiper blades on your windshield should be changed? Although some wiper blade manufacturers recommend 6 months to one year, the truth is that it all depends on the conditions your car faces. If you spend the majority of your time on the Monterey Peninsula, where it’s cooler throughout the year and there’s not a lot of rain, your windshield wiper blades could last up to two years. If, however, you use your wiper blades frequently, drive and park in areas with high temperatures, or park your vehicle outside of the protection of a garage, your wiper blades may need to be replaced sooner. Also, do you have wiper blades attached to the front and to the rear of your vehicle? Many may consider replacing the front windshield wiper blades more frequently than the back since they are used more often. However, the back window wiper blades may get more direct sun and heat, depending on where you park your car on a daily basis. If you have fro ... read more