Posted on 8/11/2014
It’s time, and we’re off to a “good start”. Get ready for Auto Week on the Monterey Peninsula! This blog is designed to direct you to the scheduled events throughout the week of August 11th through the 17th. Tuesday, 8/12/14
* Automobilia Monterey
Tuesday, August 12, 2014: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: The Embassy Suites - 1441 Canyon Del Rey
Admission: Check website for prices * Concours on the Avenue
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Location: Ocean Avenue, Carmel-By-The-Sea
Admission: Free Wednesday, 8/13/14
* Automobilia Monterey
Wednesday, August 13, 2014: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: The Embassy Suites - 1441 Canyon Del Rey
Admission: Check website for prices * Gordon McCall's Motorworks Revival 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Location: Monterey Jet Center Admission: Check website for prices * Monterey Car Week Rally
Wednesday, August 13, 2014: 11:30 am
Location: Shoreline Community ... read more
Posted on 7/28/2014
If you love to enter your vehicle into classic car shows, your ride needs to look spectacular. Many auto collectors on the Monterey Peninsula bring their classic automobiles to Robert’s Collision & Repair to spiff up their vehicles. If you are new to prepping your vehicle for the summertime auto shows, here are some tips to get your vehicle ready: Mechanical maintenance-- If your vehicle is in top operating order, it will not fail you as you drive to and fro the auto show. Recently we saw a beautiful classic car stalled on the side of the road, and we felt sorry for the owner. Anything can happen with classic vehicles, so it’s best to make sure everything is in working order before you head to the show. If you come to Robert’s Collision & Repair, we will be happy to offer a free safety inspection with every oil change. Detail work-- Our detailing team does a terrific job of making the paint job on your vehicle look beautiful. From a bas ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2014
Editorial Note: We can’t help but run this note from your vehicle every year. It’s one of our annual traditions. Happy New Year from the entire Robert’s Auto Repair team! I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2014. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance ... read more
Posted on 12/23/2013
The family of Robert’s Auto Repair wishes you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We will be closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day, but will otherwise be open to serve you. We want to thank all of you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your patronage of our auto body, mechanical, detail, and tire service facility. May you all be safe and healthy over the holidays. We look forward to serving you the next time your vehicle needs any type of auto repair. With love and respect, The Robert’s Auto Repair Team
Posted on 11/4/2013
Welcome, November! Now that you’re here, we are officially in a Halloween candied, sugar-overloaded stupor and heading straight into the throes of the holiday season. Tis the season to be on the roads more often than usual, so here are some helpful reminders to prepare the family vehicle for holiday travel: Oil Changes: If you look at your vehicle’s odometer, do you notice anything? If it has been over 3000 miles since your last oil change with conventional oil, perhaps it’s time for a new oil change. If you have a vehicle that uses synthetic oil, you may need to come in for an oil change if it’s been over 6000 miles. If you’re not sure, check with Robert’s Auto Repair and we’ll give you a status on your vehicle’s recommended oil change time frame. Minor and Major Service: Keep looking at your vehicle’s odometer and see if you notice if it has reached 15K, 30K, 45K, 60K, 75K, 90K, 105K, or 120K miles. If it has passed the odd numbers, like 15K, 45K ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2013
Las fechas de fiesta y celebración se están acercando muy rápido! Como lo hacemos de costumbre, en estas fechas salimos a buscar el mejor disfraz para llevar a las fiestas de Halloween y buscamos las mejores flores y decoraciones para los altares de nuestros familiares que han fallecido para el día de muertos. Aquí en Robert’s Auto Repair, ustedes son parte de nuestra familia y queremos que pasen un divertido y seguro Halloween y un tranquilo Día de Muertos. Por eso les pedimos que tomen medidas de precaución cuando salgan a las fiestas para evitar que le pase cualquier tipo de accidente a usted y/o a sus seres queridos. Algunas medidas de seguridad que les recomendamos en estas festividades son: 1. No maneje en estado de ebriedad El manejar ebrio es una de las causas de accidentes más comunes que ocurren durante fechas de fiesta como lo son Halloween. 2. No maneje con objetos que limiten su vista en el volante Muchas veces escogemos disfraces que incluyen mascaras, botargas, y objetos ... read more
Posted on 10/20/2013
Slick roads are only fun on a go-kart track...not on the freeway, right? When the first rains of the season hit the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas, it is important to be very careful while driving. When the first rains of the season come along, the roads are super slick due to the oils deposited from the traffic. Naturally, when water drops hit the well-oiled roadways, there is a higher tendency for cars and trucks to slip and slide. At best case scenario, your vehicle hits a slick spot and hydroplanes for a second. In the worst cases, your vehicle loses traction altogether, sending your vehicle into a tailspin or fatal crash. To prevent these hazards, here are a few driving safety tips during the first rains of the season: Exercise extreme caution. Allow for more travel time. Do not use cruise control. Brake earlier, and don’t use too much force. Avoid pooling water when possible. Turn on your headlights and wipers at first sign of rain. Be extra careful around pedestri ... read more
Posted on 10/7/2013
Ah, our Indian Summer is here. Have you noticed how gorgeous our weather is around the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas region? Simply beautiful. In this brief period of warm, sunny weather, there are several things you can do to enjoy your vehicle to the max during Indian Summer. Here are a few ideas to consider: Make your vehicle shine with a full detail service. -- Robert’s Auto Repair has a full menu of detailing services that will make your ride look shiny and clean again. Not only are we capable of fully detailing the interior, exterior, and engine compartment of your vehicle, we can also remove fine scratches from your paint. Click here for more information on our detailing services. Get a free safety inspection. -- If you’re concerned about the safety of your vehicle, bring it into Robert’s Auto Repair for a free safety inspection. In our FREE Vehicle Safety Inspection, we will provide you a Multi-Point Inspection Report Card as recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer. In ord ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2013
Ahora que se acerca el fin de semana del dia del trabajo, ¡no te esperes a que sea fin de semana para darle servicio a tu carro! La familia y los amigos son una de las cosas mas importantes para nuestras vidas, por lo que hay que tomar las debidas precauciones antes de salir a carretera. Para nuestro taller la salud y bienestar de usted y de sus seres queridos es muy importante. Por esto le sugerimos de la mejor manera no manejar borracho, cansado, en condiciones de clima extremo y asegurarse de que su automóvil este en buenas condiciones para prevenir cualquier tipo de accidente o falla en el camino. Es sumamente importante estar seguro de que su auto esta en buenas condiciones antes de cualquier viaje, pues muchas veces ocurren accidentes cuando pensamos que nuestro auto “si llega” o cuando no sabemos que algo no esta en las condiciones en las que debería de estar. Las cosas mas importantes de las que hay que asegurarnos que estén bien en nuestros automóviles son: Revisar el nivel d ... read more
Posted on 8/19/2013
With school just around the corner, the roads are going to be packed with a plethora of busy drivers, bright yellow school buses, and kids walking eagerly to their classes. Since safety always comes first, it is the perfect time to bring your car into Robert’s Auto Repair for routine maintenance and to brush up on your driving skills. Here a few tips to help make the transition back to school both smoother and safer: 1. Always double check the crosswalks It is always important to double check the crosswalk before crossing. There are many circumstances in which a child could run across the street without looking both ways for approaching vehicles. 2. Be cautious in school zones When you are in a school zone, always make sure to proceed with caution. The speed limits should always be followed, along with keeping a watchful eye for any unseen child or school bus. Not only should you be cautious of others, but it is important to be aware of where you a ... read more
Posted on 8/19/2013
Here are some photos of the beautiful cars on show during Auto Week, August 11 -
Posted on 8/11/2013
In Monterey, August is an exciting month for car lovers. Ranging from the annual Concours d’ Elegance to the Rolex Monterey Motorsports reunion, there will be plenty of events for you to attend. Below are a list of events located throughout the Monterey Peninsula. Car Shows: Carmel Concours on the Avenue Located in Carmel, CA, this event is held Tuesday, August 13th from 10am to 5pm The Little Car Show Vehicles will line up on Lighthouse Ave on Wednesday, August 14, from 12pm to 5pm. McCalls’s Motorworks Revival This event showcases exclusive food, wine, and automobiles. It is held at the Monterey Jet Center from 5pm to 10pm on Wednesday, August 14. Concorso Italiano Located in Laguna Seca, this event will showcase over 800 Italian cars, along with speciality wine and cuisine. This event is held on August 16 from 9am to 5pm. Legends of Autobahn This special event focuses on the four types of cars: BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, and for the first time, Audi. It is located ... read more
Posted on 7/29/2013
With Monterey Car Week just around the corner, Robert’s Auto Repair wants to help you plan ahead for exciting week. Here are a few events that will be held during the week: Concours on the Avenue Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Location: Ocean Avenue, Carmel-By-The-Sea Admission: Free Monterey Car Week's 5th Annual Rally Wednesday, August 14, 2013 Time to Be Announced Location: To Be Announced Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Presented by Rolex Thursday, August 15, 2013 The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering Friday, August 16, 2013: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 8000 Valley Greens Drive, Carmel CA 93923 19th Annual Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally Friday, August 16, 2013 - Time: To be announced Lighthouse and Forest Ave. Pacific Grove Cars and Coffee Hosted by The Pebble Beach Sports Car Club Saturday, August 17, 2013 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Del Monte Shopping Center 1410 Del Monte Center Monterey, CA This ... read more
Posted on 4/22/2013
Today is April 22, 2013, and we wish you a Happy Earth Day. What are some of the things you can do with your car, truck, van, or SUV to be friendly to the environment? Here are six tips that you can use to help save fuel, keep our air cleaner, and help out Mother Nature: Reduce your carbon footprint by leaving your car at home twice a week. Leaving your car at home twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1,600 pounds per year. Work from home. You'll reduce air pollution and traffic congestion - and save money. Don’t let your vehicle idle. The exhaust from cars, buses, trucks, and work vehicles can pollute air in and around the vehicle, and can enter school buildings through air intakes, doors, and open windows. If you’re not already driving a hybrid, electric or biodiesel vehicle, consider looking into one. Green power produces less carbon emissions, reduces air pollution, and helps protect against future costs or scarcity of fossil fuels. Ride the MST Jazz bus around Monterey ... read more
Posted on 4/15/2013
Have you thought about Spring Cleaning your vehicle? If you do, not only will your car be cleaner, but it could become more fuel efficient, too. Here are some areas where your vehicle could benefit from some deep cleaning and a little bit of extra elbow grease. 1. Take out the trash. Do you really need all those empty water bottles and boxes of junk taking up trunk space and adding weight to the car? Do you really want your vehicle to be a rolling lab experiment with excess amounts of crumbs, dirt, and lost french fries on the floorboards? Get rid of the trash and vacuum that sucker out! 2. Check your tire pressure. As the seasons and temperatures change, so does your tire pressure. You’ll save money on gas if your tires are filled with the recommended levels of air. 3. Clean your windows. If you’re the type who doesn’t do windows, our detailing center will be happy to take care of that for you. When your windows are clean, inside and out, you will have be ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2012
*Editor’s Note: We have a tradition of posting this personal message from your vehicle every year. Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve! I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2013. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I resolve to always serve my human ... read more
Posted on 12/23/2012
A happy life Abundance Lots of love Growth and prosperity Family and friends Safe and reliable vehicles A full belly A happy home From our family to yours, Merry Christmas, everyone
Posted on 11/19/2012
Brakes are often taken for granted, until they don’t work so well. If you’re planning to travel across town or on the freeway, getting your brakes checked and repaired is the best way to stay safe. We don’t mean to scare you, but look at some of these scary Thanksgiving Holiday driving statistics: Thanksgiving weekend is the most traveled holiday period of the year with almost 90% of those traveling doing so by car and, if previous year statistics hold true, this Thanksgiving weekend will also be the deadliest holiday period of the year. Speeding is the major reason for traffic crashes. Higher speeds reduce the time you have to react to an emergency situation and increase the crash forces in a collision. Tired drivers who worked all day Wednesday are now facing the frustration of being stuck in slow traffic for such a long distance. These tired drivers may be tempted to take chances they might not otherwise take. Drivers leaving late on Sunday who waited until the end of footbal ... read more
Posted on 11/12/2012
Tires in good shape? ….Check! Oil changed? ….Check! Brakes all good? ….Check! Engine been checked? ….Check! With the holidays approaching, it is wise to come into Robert’s Auto Repair now and get a Vehicle Safety Inspection done. When you come in for any service or repair, the Vehicle Safety Inspection is FREE. When we say any, we mean any oil change, brake repair, headlight repair, etc. If you wish to come in for just the Vehicle Safety Inspection, it costs $94.23. However you choose to make sure your vehicle is ready for the holidays, we encourage you to get your vehicle inspected early, before you get caught up in the holiday shopping and preparation chaos. Call today to schedule a service at our 26,000 square foot facility, located at 234 Ramona Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940. Mechanical -- 831-373-1534
Body Shop -- 83
Posted on 9/4/2012
We loved going to the Monterey County Fair this weekend! Now that we’re into County Fair Season, it’s a fun time for everyone...but your car might not like it so much. Here are some ways to protect your vehicle from scratches and dings in the county fair parking lots while you’re snacking on cotton candy: Park your car in a wide enough space. Don't park your car between larger vehicles, for they could block your view or hit you with their wide doors. Park your car between compact cars. Park your car between new cars. Don’t park your car between 2-door cars. Pull your car through to the front of a 90-degree slot. DON’T pull your car through to the front of an angled slot. Don’t park your car near the cart corral. Park your car in the middle of the space. Never park at the end of an unprotected row. These safety tips for parking your car should work, but when going to County Fairs and other festivals, there’s no guarantee you can find the ideal parking space. If, however, your car ge ... read more
Posted on 8/28/2012
August is a fabulous time to see some lovely -- and lovingly cared for -- vehicles on the Monterey Peninsula. Here is a glimpse at some of the beautiful cars we saw at last year's auto show in Pacific Grove: To get your car looking this great, schedule an appointment with our auto body or detailing shop, today at 831-373-1535. Robert’s Auto Repair is conveniently located at 234 Ramona, Monterey, CA 93940, right off of Del Monte Blvd. at Highway
Posted on 8/20/2012

Did you see all those gorgeous, expensive, and immaculate automobiles during the Concours d’Elegance over the weekend? Wow! We got a glimpse of a few, and they were outstanding! After seeing all these beautiful autos, many locals turn to Robert’s Auto Repair asking, “How can I make my car look like new again?”. Luckily, Robert’s Auto Repair is the premiere auto repair center of the Monterey Peninsula, and when you bring your vehicle into our “car spa”, your set of wheels will look a lot like it did when you drove it off the showroom floor. See how we lovingly restore damaged vehicles in our auto body center in this video, and see for yourself why Robert’s Auto Repair is the best in the area! To schedule an appointment with our auto body or detailing shop, please call today at 831-373-1535. Robert’s Auto Repair is conveniently located at 234 Ramona, Monterey, CA 93940, right off of Del Monte Blvd. at Highway
Posted on 8/13/2012
We, here, on the Monterey Peninsula are blessed, for we live in a place of cool Summer temperatures, incredible natural beauty, and a warm, tightly-knit community. Though we are fortunate year round, we become even more blessed when all the auto shows come to town...especially the Concours d’Elegance! No doubt, you’ll see some beautiful automobiles all week long as we prepare for Concours d’Elegance, but if you’re not sure what the schedule is, here is a link to their website:'elegance Not everyone has a collectable car, but most of us have a vehicle that is deeply important to us, our families, and our livelihood. To keep your vehicle looking beautiful, Robert’s Auto Repair has a number of auto body, paint, and detailing services to make your vehicle look as new and elegant as pos ... read more
Posted on 7/9/2012
The Monterey Peninsula is a beautiful place and when it is super hot everywhere else during Summer, we often have a marine layer that can look somewhat gloomy. What should you do to prepare your vehicle for extreme Summertime conditions? Come to Robert’s Auto Repair for an Air Conditioning recharge, service, or repair. There are many benefits to arranging regular car air conditioning maintenance, including the following: Save on Repair Bills – By arranging regular vehicle air conditioning maintenance you can save yourself expensive repair bills and prevent total failure of your system. Extend the Life of Your System – Routine maintenance of your air conditioning system will ensure many more years of reliable service. Prevent Refrigerant Contamination – Your car repair shop will carry out checks for cross-contamination of refrigerant. Contamination can stop your system from working efficiently and can also cause total failure of ai ... read more
Posted on 7/2/2012

When the 4th of July comes around, that means a lot of people will be hitting the road...both into and out of town. Here on the Monterey Peninsula, we attract many tourists, and we love them. However, they’re not accustomed to the traffic rules in our area, so it’s important to drive extra cautiously around the Monterey Peninsula during the Independence Day Holiday. Things to Remember: Tourists love to honk their horns in the tunnel. It’s a tradition among many. Our advice is to protect your hearing and close your sunroof, windows, and convertible top while driving through the tunnel. There are no left turns on Lighthouse Avenue in Monterey. Unfortunately, many visitors disregard the double yellow lines in the road and make left turns into driveways and parking lots anyway. Be on the lookout for visitors making left turns, or you could have a collision! There are several one way streets and inevitably, someone from out of town heads in the wrong direction. The ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2012
As a helpful reminder of how to save money during summer road tips, here is some friendly advice from Robert’s Auto Repair: Tune up your car. Stay with friends and relatives. Book in advance. Keep an itinerary. Look for discounts. We may not be able to help you with tips #2 through #5, but we can certainly assist you with tip #1. If you are interested in giving your vehicle a tune-up and having it inspected for safety, schedule an appointment with Robert’s Auto Repair at 831
Posted on 4/23/2012
Scattered April showers and major Spring storms cause inconvenience and minor accidents on Monterey County's freeways. Given the imminent hazard April showers create, it is a good idea for all drivers, especially teenage or inexperienced ones, to review the causes and solutions to hydroplaning as it may save you or a loved one from getting into an accident. Hydroplaning occurs when the tires of your vehicle cannot displace water fast enough to make proper contact with road surface. The result of this condition is a loss of steering to the affected tires. If all the tires are affected, the loss of steering will be complete. Evidence that partial hydroplaning is occurring and complete hydroplaning is imminent is a loosening of the steering response as well as a pulling of the vehicle toward the body of water. Generally, hydroplaning is avoidable as it is caused by "driver error" and tire problems, which could potentially lead to a catastrophic accident. The major causes of hydroplaning ... read more
Posted on 12/29/2011
I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2012. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I resolve to always serve my humans reliably, safely, comfortably, and be ready to go anytime they need me. I resolve to do everything I can to prevent my ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2011
At Robert’s Auto Repair, we love celebrating Halloween, for it’s one of our favorite holidays. However, don’t get scary driving around while the little ghosts and goblins are Trick-Or-Treating. To help keep Halloween fun, we thought we’d provide some driving “tricks” and tips to stay safe on the road after dark on Halloween. To help everyone bring home treats — not tragedies — follow these driving tips for a safe Halloween: Don't use a cell phone while driving through neighborhoods. A single distraction could lead to a tragedy. Stay well below the posted speed limit. Pay attention to what's happening on sidewalks and roadways. Watch for children darting across streets, especially between parked cars. Be extra alert when pulling in and out of driveways. Do not assume children can see you or are paying attention. You need to take that responsibility. Drivers should also check that all lights on their car work. Do not pass other vehicles that have stopped in the roadway. They could be dr ... read more
Posted on 9/14/2011
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca is home to the 2011 Monterey Sports Car Championships, featuring dramatic races for the Playboy Mazda MX5 Cup, Cooper Tires prototype Lites Championships, the Patron GT3 Challenge by Yokohama and Star Mazda Championship presented by Goodyear. What is the American Le Mans Series?
The American Le Mans Series is a unique style of race. Four classes of car, Le Mans Prototype 1 and 2 and Grand Touring 1 and 2, compete in American Le Mans races. Each class has different specifications and different top speeds, but multiple car classes are on the track at once. Racers must not only compete with cars in their own class, but navigate the track while cars faster or slower than theirs swarm around them. The highlight is the race presented by Patron on Saturday night, which begins in the afternoon and continues as the sun sets. The Monterey Sports C ... read more
Posted on 8/29/2011
Welcome Back to School: Ensuring Safety on the Roads Summer has come to an end, and it’s that time of the year when children are heading back to school. The excitement of new beginnings, meeting new friends, and diving into new learning adventures is palpable. However, amidst all the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, especially when it comes to your family vehicle. At Robert’s Auto Body Collision and Repair, we understand the importance of keeping your vehicle in top-notch condition to ensure the safety of your loved ones on the road. The Importance of Vehicle Safety When it comes to back-to-school preparations, vehicle safety often takes a backseat to buying school supplies and new clothes. However, ensuring your vehicle is safe and reliable is paramount. A well-maintained car not only prevents unexpected breakdowns but also protects your family from potential accidents. Key Safety Checks for Your Vehicle1. Brake System The b ... read more
Posted on 8/20/2011
The Pacific Grove Auto Show happened on Friday, August 19th and there were some terrific looking cars there. We recognized some of our local clients there and their cars. Check out the photos taken by Robert's Auto Repair
Posted on 4/22/2011
Robert's Auto Repair is happy to announce a customer rewards program that will help you save money on our services the more frequently you shop. It's a great program and we are very excited to offer this to our clients. Here's how it works.... Robert's Auto Repair will be giving each customer a Rewards Card when they come in for service and repair. Each time our customers spend money on a repair or service, 3% of each invoice (before taxes) will be added to the Rewards Card for future repairs. Like your Safeway or Staples card, Robert's Auto Repair's Rewards Card has no cash value, but will earn discounts on our services each time you come in. You can check your Rewards Card balance at Robert's Auto Repair. The fine print... This Rewards Card program is not valid with other offers, and has no cash value. Tires, batteries, towing and sales tax excluded. Robert's Auto Repair is the Premier Auto Repair Center o ... read more
Posted on 12/26/2010
I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2011. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I resolve to always serve my humans reliably, safely, comfortably, and be ready to go anytime they need me. I resolve to do everything I can to prevent my humans f ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2010
The Robert's Auto Repair family would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We sincerely thank you and your family for your business and your confidence in us to keep your vehicles in safe and top-working condition. We wish you many blessings of health, wealth, and safety for you and yours...every every way. In lieu of a card, we thought we'd share with your our Top 10 Blogs, reminding you of some things we expressed in the blogosphere in 2010. Key WordsDent RepairYour Tires Won't Be Tired Anymore!Fluids and Staying HydratedPrecisionKnowledge Is PowerGrab The Popcorn!What Is Waterborne Paint? ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2010
Many families hit the road during Thanksgiving Weekend, and your family may be part of the traffic heading out of town. What is the safest time to travel? Here are some helpful tips to make your Thanksgiving Weekend fun and safe. According to a AAA estimate, 81 percent of Americans will travel to their Thanksgiving destination via car this year. Surprised by this number? The weakened economy will force more people to stay home this Thanksgiving, but those that can travel will still do so by car. Preparing Your Vehicle For Thanksgiving Travel
Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to do a FREE vehicle safety check if you call 831-373-1534 for your vehicle's next appointment and mention this blog. Your safety is our priority and we would be honored to have the opportunity to make sure your vehicle is hazard-free. Preparing Yourself for Thanksgiving Travel
W ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2010
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays of the year at Robert's Auto Repair. The costumes...the candy...the fun...they're all wonderful. But all too often, we hear of tragedies where someone gets careless during the Halloween celebrations and is hit by a moving vehicle. To make sure that Halloween stays safe, we want to encourage everyone to bring your vehicle in for a free brake check so you can rest assured you won't be negatively affecting any Trick-Or-Treaters. You will qualify to get a FREE brake check if you call Robert's Auto Repair at 831-373-1534 and mention this blog when you schedule an appointment. This offer is good through October
Posted on 8/16/2010
Summer is the perfect time to show off your ride. There are so many summertime car shows that sometimes it's hard to choose! Here are some famous car shows that many car aficionados from the Monterey Peninsula may participate in: Hot August Nights in Reno, NV, August 1 - 8, 2010 NISEI Week Car Show in Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 2010 Concours d'Elegance in Pebble Beach, CA, August 15, 2010 Cherry's Jubilee at Laguna Seca Raceway, CA, September 8 - 12, 2010 When you are proud of your vehicle and you want to enter your car, truck, or bike in a show, you want to make sure it looks TERRIFIC! Robert's Auto Repair has an auto detailing center that can make your car look gorgeous. See our Detail Center video ... read more
Posted on 8/9/2010
Many who love to celebrate the automobile equally love to attend the Concours d'Elegance in Pebble Beach every year in August. This year's event will be held on August 15, 2010. "First conducted in 1950, the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance is often said to be the world’s premier celebration of the automobile. Only the most beautiful and rare automobiles are invited to appear on the famed eighteenth fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links each year, and connoisseurs of art and technology congregate to see them.' 'The annual affair, which has raised over $12 million for charity, includes a series of related events, such as the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance presented by Rolex, Pebble Beach RetroAuto, Pebble Beach Motoring Classic and the Pebble Beach Auction pr ... read more
Posted on 7/19/2010
Robert's Auto Repair is a proud sponsor of the local high school sports teams within the Monterey Peninsula. Here are some of the reasons why we participate in our local sports community. The smell of freshly mown grass at the ball park... The crack of the bat as it hits a home run... The sound of cheers and applause as the crowd goes wild... The grins beaming from dirt-smudged and sweaty faces... The sense of community, knowing all the families and watching the kids grow... The sense of pride, knowing that all teams are our teams... Of course, it doesn't hurt to be a known for auto body repair when a rogue ball escapes the field and dents a car. We're just saying.... Show your support and wear your school's team jersey when you come in and visit Robert's Auto Repair for auto body repair, mechanical repair, our detailing center, or our tire service center. 831
Posted on 7/2/2010
As we gear up for summer fun, don't forget to make room in your schedule for the First Annual Pharaohs Rod Run to The Moose on Saturday, July 10, 2010, from Noon to 8 PM, located at the Monterey Moose Lodge on Canyon Del Rey (Highway 218) in Del Rey Oaks! Here is a map.This is the first-time event for the new local car club, The Pharaohs, and Robert's Auto Repair is proud to be one of the sponsors.Join us between Noon to 8:00 PM on Saturday, July 3, for a family-fun time. We will have BBQ and beverages, live music, raffle prizes, hot rod roadsters and bikes, and there's even a swimming pool! Our live music consists of 3 bands: Chicago Fire, Roadhaus, and Los High Tops ... read more