Halloween is just a few weeks away. Time make your pumpkin a Jack-o-Lantern. Here are some pumpkin carving tips:
Be sure your pumpkin has a thick green stem. The greener the stem, the fresher the pumpkin. The thicker the stem, the thinker the pumpkin and the better for carving.
Plan your design. If you’re an artist, freehand may work for you. The rest of us work better with a plan. Use a pen to draw you design before you get out you blade.
Think outside the carving tool kit. The more complicated your design, the more creative your tools. Think outside the kit. Try clay sculpting ribbons and tools, Exacto knives, and zesters and be sure they’re sharp.
Empty the inside. Take the time to thoroughly scrape the inside of your pumpkin. Scraps and bits of pumpkin meat can mold and ruin your entire project.
Keep your pumpkin moist. Most carved pumpkins can last up to two weeks but as soon as you cut into them, they begin to dry out. After you carve your pumpkin, be sure to have a spray bottle around to keep it moist.
Use Led lights. Led candles will still flicker. It almost goes without saying they’re safer than fire candles and they won’t dry out your art.
At Robert’s Collision & Repair we’re partial to auto-related themes. But here’s a link to some really creative pumpkin carving ideas: https://www.google.com/search?q=pumpkin+carving+ideas&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs9e7to8_WAhWFdSYKHV_PDXAQ7AkIWA&biw=1618&bih=959

When your vehicle requires auto repair and scheduled maintenance, we invite you to visit Robert’s Collision & Repair at 234 Ramona Avenue in Monterey, CA, right off of Del Monte Blvd. and Highway 1 in Monterey. If you have questions, give us a call at 831-373-1534. You’ll be glad you did.