At Robert’s Collision & Repair, we have been assisting with the restoration of the Ingenue Funny Car. Here is what Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car has been posting about us on their Facebook page. :-)
March 9, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Picked up the body and dropped it off...every tech in the place (and it's a BIG place) stopped what they were doing to check out Ingenue,lol...pretty funny actually.”

March 9, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Stopped by today and snapped these, Jeff was there yesterday and went over everything that needs to be addressed with Martin who is overseeing the project. Areas were marked and noted and progress was actually being made…”

March 15, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Stopped by Robert's Auto Body and was quite pleased with the progress so far! Shop manager Martin has assigned one tech Juan on the car and he is very excited to be working on the project.
They are skim coating it with filler to make it as smooth as possible before priming and blocking and are really doing it up correctly...nice to see Ingenue finally getting some love!
WOO HOO!!! (Kurt Peterson I know you'd be real happy if you were here...!)”

March 17, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Stopped by today and lots of progress being made...Jose is really doing a fantastic job and is really excited to be working on a car with so much history...he's certainly the right guy for the job, that's for sure...very pleased there!
He wasn't there the day I dropped the body off and showed everyone the photo album so I brought that by today so he could actually see what he was working on and I think he's even more impressed with the history of the car. I also gave him a BS&M / Ingenue shirt and some decals to keep him motivated.
Martin, the project manager told me he was very proud to be associated with this project so really...I know the body is in the right place and is in excellent hands.
Jose said he has about 18 hours just in the passenger side.
The trunk, roof and hood are all done and should be ready for primer soon...woo hoo!”

March 22, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Well today was SO full of joy on all fronts of the project that is the Ingenue funny much progress being made and assurances for what the future holds...that I just had to here goes:
Started out the day by visiting Frank of Frank's Signs and within just a few minutes after meeting with him and discussing his craft, I can tell he's a true artist and will certainly take this completed project over the top.
We traded notes and he told me just how shoddy the previous work was done, how it had been burnt through in many places. I obviously had zero clue since what did I know about gold leaf?
I'll tell you right now I know a hell of a lot more than I did this morning,lol!
I will set up Frank with the best possible color period pictures I have so he can replicate the theme and thanks to Bob Snyder, I have some great color pictures of Ingenue at NY car shows so hopefully I have all I need.
The best thing that came out of finally meeting Frank and chatting with him is that he has everything he needs (both in templates and pictures) and he's got tremendous skills...he's been at this game since 1985 and I'm really looking forward to working with him.
My second visit was to Robert's to check in on Jose's progress and was blown away at what I saw. He has the entire car done and ready for primer and is finishing up the drivers side which required some work on the front drivers fender where some damage had been done some time in the past and repaired poorly.
The amount of product (filler) that's being applied to this car to make it smooth as glass is amazing...and it certainly won't be any lighter, that's for sure!
The shop has dedicated Jose just to this project and it appears the timing was just right with their lighter than normal workload that he is able to knock it out so quickly and so beautifully.
He's had another guy doing the tedious hand work around the tail lights and the front grille and headlight area. He has done some repair and will continue to fix other areas and says it should be in it's first coat of primer by Friday then it'll get blocked and then at least one more coat before Jeff Diehl steps in and sprays it when his schedule allows.
Enough words, off to the pictures...Front is just about 100% done and the passenger side is done...check out how straight...this picture doesn't do it justice.”

March 25, 2016 Facebook update from Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car
“Snapped these today on my visit, coming along very nicely.
Jose still has a ton of work to do on that one wheelwell, there is a wooden bulkhead directly behind this area and is the main reason why it looks pregnant...the last repair was done poorly and that bulkhead was actually holding it outward and not allowing it to return to it's normal location so Jose had to trim that piece down to allow it to fit properly...and now the work begins to put it back factory fresh as it was in 1967.”

The Ingenue / Buick Dealers Group Funny Car is still in progress, but we are so happy they are pleased with our work on this restoration. For more updates, be sure to visit their Facebook page.
In the meantime, if your vehicle needs restoration work or you want to repair your vehicles’ dings and dents, come see us at Robert’s Collision & Repair. Conveniently located at 234 Ramona Avenue in Monterey, California, we will be delighted to help make your vehicle look fabulous again. Contact us today for an appointment.