Posted on 7/16/2012

Today’s blog is brought to you with the help of the Federal Trade Commission. Click on this link and discover various tips to save money at the gas pump. If you would like to bring your vehicle in to Robert’s Auto Repair for service, repair, an oil change, an engine tune-up, wheel alignment, new tires, or auto body repair, call 831-373-1534 for an appointment, or stop by Robert’s Auto Repair at 234 Ramona Avenue, Monterey, CA
Posted on 7/9/2012
The Monterey Peninsula is a beautiful place and when it is super hot everywhere else during Summer, we often have a marine layer that can look somewhat gloomy. What should you do to prepare your vehicle for extreme Summertime conditions? Come to Robert’s Auto Repair for an Air Conditioning recharge, service, or repair. There are many benefits to arranging regular car air conditioning maintenance, including the following: Save on Repair Bills – By arranging regular vehicle air conditioning maintenance you can save yourself expensive repair bills and prevent total failure of your system. Extend the Life of Your System – Routine maintenance of your air conditioning system will ensure many more years of reliable service. Prevent Refrigerant Contamination – Your car repair shop will carry out checks for cross-contamination of refrigerant. Contamination can stop your system from working efficiently and can also cause total failure of ai ... read more
Posted on 7/2/2012

When the 4th of July comes around, that means a lot of people will be hitting the road...both into and out of town. Here on the Monterey Peninsula, we attract many tourists, and we love them. However, they’re not accustomed to the traffic rules in our area, so it’s important to drive extra cautiously around the Monterey Peninsula during the Independence Day Holiday. Things to Remember: Tourists love to honk their horns in the tunnel. It’s a tradition among many. Our advice is to protect your hearing and close your sunroof, windows, and convertible top while driving through the tunnel. There are no left turns on Lighthouse Avenue in Monterey. Unfortunately, many visitors disregard the double yellow lines in the road and make left turns into driveways and parking lots anyway. Be on the lookout for visitors making left turns, or you could have a collision! There are several one way streets and inevitably, someone from out of town heads in the wrong direction. The ... read more
Posted on 6/25/2012
Get the fun, game-like computer program that’s proven to enhance driver safety. Brought to you by PositScience and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, This brain fitness software will reduce your crash risk by up to 50%! It’s an easy exam and fun, too! Try the trial and see how well you do. In the meantime, if you have a fender bender or need to bring your car in for service, come to Robert’s Auto Repair at 234 Ramona Avenue in Monterey. We’ll be happy to maintain or repair all of the important safety features on your vehicle so you can safely avoid crash risks. Call 831-373-1534 today to schedule your appointment
Posted on 6/18/2012
Have you or someone in your family had a few too many traffic accidents? If so, consider improving your driving skills by enrolling in a driver improvement course. There are several driver improvement courses available in Monterey County. AAA Online Mature Driver CourseGo To Traffic SchoolElischer’s Driving SchoolMotorcycle Safety CoursesGraniterock Truck Driver TrainingSkip Ba ... read more
Posted on 6/11/2012
Here are some interesting facts about mature drivers that will be affecting many of us who live on the Monterey Peninsula: By 2020, there will be more than 40 million licensed drivers ages 65 and older. The 65 and over age group ranks second in traffic fatalities. 40 percent of motorists over the age of 65 suffered from at least one of nine driving related difficulties commonly caused by aging. Nearly one in five motorists over 65 plan to buy or lease a new vehicle in the next two years. Because many of the changes our bodies experience as we age can affect our ability to safely operate a vehicle, mature drivers are looking for vehicles with features that address their specific needs and health issues. AAA Insurance put together a “Smart” vehicle report that recommends specific vehicles to meet the needs of mature drivers. Some AAA “Smart” recommendations include: Drivers suffering from hip or leg pain, decreased leg strength or limited knee range of motion should look for veh ... read more
Posted on 6/4/2012
AAA Association has some great tips on how to have “the talk” with our elders about driving and their safety. Remember the day your parents sat you down to have "The Talk?" Your pre-teen palms sweated while you waited awkwardly to hear what they had to say. Now, many years later, it's your turn-and you dread sitting your elderly mother or father down for a different version of "The Talk," to discuss the possibility that it may be time to give up the keys. Here on the Monterey Peninsula, we are fortunate to have many senior citizens that add a legacy of experience, history, and good fortune to our community. However, many of these same senior citizens get into accidents when they run stop signs, open their car doors into oncoming Lighthouse Avenue traffic, clip another vehicle in a parking lot, or accidentally drive through a store’s plate glass window. Avoid these accidents by having “the talk”. Talk Before Driving Becomes a Problem Driving safety for older adults is an emotionally ch ... read more
Posted on 5/29/2012
Texting while driving has become a growing problem. Thanks to Adolfo Nascimento of the Concord Patch, and AAA Association, here are some things to consider before you text while operating a moving vehicle. Distracted Driving in California While California leads the nation in seatbelt compliance, deaths of 16-year-old drivers statewide increased 16 percent in the first half of last year compared to 2010, said Kelly Browning, executive director of the nonprofit group Impact Teen Drivers. Distractions that typically take drivers' focus off of the road - from phone calls and text messages to sipping lattes - are especially perilous for teenage drivers, she said at a news conference at Clayton Valley Friday morning. "Every single driver at some point has been distracted by a call, a text, a passenger, a pet inside the vehicle, or just adjusting the radio," California Highway Patrol Capt. Jonni Fenner said. "These activities become hazardous when done behind the wheel of an automobil ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2012
As a helpful reminder of how to save money during summer road tips, here is some friendly advice from Robert’s Auto Repair: Tune up your car. Stay with friends and relatives. Book in advance. Keep an itinerary. Look for discounts. We may not be able to help you with tips #2 through #5, but we can certainly assist you with tip #1. If you are interested in giving your vehicle a tune-up and having it inspected for safety, schedule an appointment with Robert’s Auto Repair at 831
Posted on 5/14/2012
Summer is around the corner, and that usually means Summer road trips. Here are some tips to prepare your vehicle for Summer driving: Check your tires regularly. -- Robert’s Auto Repair has a tire service center, so allow us to take a look at your tires, wheels, and alignment for safety. Check your cooling and air conditioning systems. -- Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to test your cooling system and your AC system to make sure there are no leaks or problems. Change your oil on schedule and keep full. -- Regular oil changes will keep your engine running perfectly during summertime heat and extensive road trips. Check the gas cap. -- The gas cap is an important component of your car’s emission control system, so we will make sure the gasket is properly in place. Check your lighting and visibility. -- Robert’s Auto Repair will double check all your safety lights and make certain your windows are free of cracks and dings. Use a pro for long trips. -- Many wise travelers bring their ... read more
Posted on 5/7/2012
When you're involved in an auto accident, the aftermath can feel overwhelming. From dealing with insurance companies to worrying about the condition of your vehicle, the entire experience can be stressful. At CARSTAR Robert’s Collision, we understand this, which is why our mission is to take those lemons and turn them into lemonade for our customers. We’re here to walk you through every step of the auto body repair process, ensuring that you not only regain the use of your vehicle but also receive it back in pristine condition. Here’s a detailed look at what happens from the moment you bring your damaged vehicle to us until you drive away with it fully restored. 1. First Impressions Matter: Initial Estimation and Production When you first arrive at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision, you're greeted by one of our friendly and knowledgeable repair estimators. This first step is crucial, as it sets the tone for your entire experience. We understa ... read more
Posted on 4/30/2012
Have you heard of our Customer Rewards program at Robert’s Auto Repair? Our rewards program is designed to save you money on future invoices, every time you come to Robert’s Auto Repair for service. If you are not already familiar with our Customer Rewards program, here’s how it works: rewards card
Posted on 4/23/2012
Scattered April showers and major Spring storms cause inconvenience and minor accidents on Monterey County's freeways. Given the imminent hazard April showers create, it is a good idea for all drivers, especially teenage or inexperienced ones, to review the causes and solutions to hydroplaning as it may save you or a loved one from getting into an accident. Hydroplaning occurs when the tires of your vehicle cannot displace water fast enough to make proper contact with road surface. The result of this condition is a loss of steering to the affected tires. If all the tires are affected, the loss of steering will be complete. Evidence that partial hydroplaning is occurring and complete hydroplaning is imminent is a loosening of the steering response as well as a pulling of the vehicle toward the body of water. Generally, hydroplaning is avoidable as it is caused by "driver error" and tire problems, which could potentially lead to a catastrophic accident. The major causes of hydroplaning ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2012
Robert’s Auto Repair is proud to offer electrical system repair and maintenance on all vehicles, including electric vehicles. With the help of the Department of Motor Vehicles, here are a few things you should know about repairing your vehicle’s electrical system: Ignition -- Alternator -- Batteries -- Granted, most of you who come to Robert’s Auto Repair are not the DIY auto mechanics. However, if you wish to tackle these repair projects yourself, the information provided above can be quite helpful. Whether or not you decide to try and fix your vehicle’s electrical system yourself, or bring it into Robert’s Auto ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2012
Have you noticed how often it is that people don’t give enough attention to their tires? It seems very common, but ignoring your tires is can become a major safety issue. Why? Because tires are your car’s only contact to the road. No matter how good an engine your car has, how good a construction it has , what basic speed and acceleration it has, in the end it all comes down to tires and how they can alter your car’s performance on the road. Not only should you pay attention to your tires, but you should learn the difference between good tires and bad tires, cheap tires and expensive tires, sizes of tires , and the seasons and conditions your tires are made for. Here’s a quick list of things to look out for when choosing tires: 1. Make sure you’re choosing the proper size of tires. A wrong size of tires can mean everything from a slight discomfort to a serious safety issue. Tire sizes are usually indicated in your car’s manual. If you lost yours or you got a bargain car from somewhere ... read more
Posted on 4/3/2012
In tough economic times it makes sense to maximize every dollar. In terms of car buying, that suggests buying a clean used car instead of springing for a shiny new one. But is buying a used car always cheaper than buying a new vehicle? In most typical economic climates, the answer is a resounding "yes." However, the current economic climate is anything but typical. In fact, the deals on some new cars are so generous they actually make a new car less expensive than both a one-year-old used and certified pre-owned version of the same model. To illustrate this point, compared the vehicles' True Market Value® transaction prices and the interest payments typically made for each vehicle. Because used/certified pre-owned cars are generally financed at a higher rate than new cars, a shopper can actually save money by purchasing a new vehicle instead of a used version in some cases. When considering financing, maintenance, taxes and other costs, buying a used vehicle may not always ... read more
Posted on 3/26/2012
Blog updated on October 23, 2023: Why Your Car May Not Start: A Comprehensive Guide It's been over a decade since we originally penned this informative guide on common reasons your car may not start. In our commitment to providing our customers with up-to-date and relevant information, we are proud to revisit this topic. However, there have been significant changes at our establishment since 2012. We've evolved into CARSTAR Robert's Collision, specializing exclusively in collision and auto body repair. While we no longer handle general automotive repairs, we want to ensure you understand how these insights remain connected to what we now do. Join us as we update this blog and explore the world of car non-start issues. Common Reasons Your Car May Not Start: Over the years, we've seen countless cars facing starting issues, and while we no longer address these concerns at CARSTAR Robert's Collision, we believe it's essential to remain informed about what could ... read more
Posted on 3/19/2012
When was the last time you read your vehicle’s Owners Manual? If it’s been a while, and you’re not sure what that light on the dash board means, or what that beeping noise is, chances are your Owners Manual will explain it all. Your Owners Manual will tell you everything from the curb weight of your car to the type of gas and oil you should use. It includes information about replacing the tires, decoding the dashboard lights, and even changing your headlight bulbs. Needless to say, your Owners Manual is a handy reference book tailored to your specific make, model, and year of car. But, what if you purchased a used vehicle and you cannot locate the Owners Manual? There are several ideas that will allow you to get to know your vehicle thru and thru: 1. Look up your vehicle’s Owners Manual online.
If you don’t have the original Owners Manual, you can check to see if it’s available online. Most automakers have electronic versions of at least some model year's manuals available for fre ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2012
The construction from our $2 Million renovation is complete, but we’re always doing something new to improve our processes here at Robert’s Auto Repair. Today, we’d like to feature our Paint Shop. Our Paint Shop is made up of certified paint shop employees who take pride in their work. We use Waterborne paint, which is friendly to our planet and your vehicle, and it has an additional benefit of drying very quickly. Waterborne paint also creates a safer working environment for our employees and reduces hazardous waste. Robert’s Auto Repair was the first Green shop in the Monterey Peninsula using waterborne paint, and we are very proud of our Green certification from the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program. To expand our capacity within our Paint Shop, we have added a second paint booth. We are the only Monterey Peninsula auto body shop that has dual spray booths. This renovation is not easily seen from the front of our facility, but the results are evident when you get your vehicle ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2012
Updated Blog From 1/15/24: Our Commitment to Your Pristine Ride: Embracing Cosmetic Repairs at CARSTAR Robert's Collision As the proud owner of CARSTAR Robert's Collision, I understand that if your vehicle has been on the road for over a year, it likely bears the marks of its journey—minor scratches, dents, and encounters with nature along doors, bumpers, and paint. These imperfections may seem minor, but as a fellow car enthusiast, I know that addressing them through our cosmetic repairs is not just about maintaining your vehicle but preserving its value and instilling a unique sense of pride in your ride. Do Dents Get Harder To Get Out Over Time? As a car enthusiast and the owner of CARSTAR Robert's Collision, one common question that often arises is whether dents become more challenging to repair as time goes on. It's a valid concern, and understanding the dynamics of dents over time is crucial in making informed decisions about cosmetic repairs. The short ... read more
Posted on 2/20/2012
Air filter maintenance is extremely important if you want to let your vehicle’s engine work optimally. Many car owners often complain about hard starting of the car and power loss, and this is mainly due to the problem with air filters. What the air filtration system in your vehicle does, is clean the outside air that comes into the vehicle prior to getting burned with the vehicle’s fuel. If the air that comes into the vehicle from the outside is not clean, it will cause your engine to become damaged. Recommended replacement intervals for air filters are now ranging between 15,000 and 75,000 miles. Fuel filter replacement intervals vary from between 20,000 miles to 150,000 miles, to “lifetime” in some applications. Modern fuel quality is so good that many import manufacturers leave the replacement interval to the technicians’ discretion. When you visit Robert’s Auto Repair for a regularly scheduled fuel filter or air filter replacement, we’ll let you know our recommendations for your ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2012
How frequently should you get your oil changed? What’s the difference between an oil change and a lube job with synthetic oil? When should you become concerned with filter replacement? These are common questions that vary with each vehicle make and model, as well as the driving style of each driver. Fortunately, the staff at Robert’s Auto Repair are knowledgeable about the lube, oil, and filter replacement requirements for each vehicle it services. Typically, an oil change / lube job is recommended every 3000 miles. Air filters are replaced at varying intervals, along with wiper blade replacement. When you visit Robert’s Auto Repair for a regularly scheduled lube, oil, and filter replacement, we’ll let you know our recommendations for your vehicle and consult with you before we complete the service. Need a lube, oil and filter replacement? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. We proudl ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2012
A properly tuned car, truck or SUV can improve your gas mileage and performance, and it also helps keep our environment greener. With today's gas prices, having your car inspected annually to determine if your vehicle could benefit from a complete tune-up is a great way to save money on gas, keep your car performing at its best, and have a longer lifespan. A complete tune-up service includes inspecting and adjusting all of the vehicle’s systems that contribute to efficient fuel combustion. How do you know when you need a tune-up service? If you keep track of your gas mileage and it worsens by 10% or more, it's time for a tune-up. Many drivers also seek a tune-up when experiencing any type of sluggish response from their vehicle. Need service, repair, and a complete tune-up? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. We proudly serve the engine, mechanical and auto body needs of people who live ... read more
Posted on 1/23/2012
If not maintained properly, a car engine can overheat just as easily in the winter months as during the summer. Coolant hoses are a very important part of the total cooling system. They are the fluid connectors between the engine, the radiator and heater. Most cars have a handful of hoses. Since hoses are so vital to safe engine operation, most car experts recommend replacing them if they are over four years old, or if they feel soft at the ends. Fortunately, they can be conveniently replaced when it’s time to flush the cooling system and install new coolant. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your automobile’s hoses? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. We proudly serve the engine, mechanical and auto body needs of people who live and work in Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside, Sand City, Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Salinas, Corral De Tierra, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Prunedale ... read more
Posted on 1/16/2012
The engine drives fan belts / drive belts to power components such as the alternator, AC compressor, power steering pump, and engine cooling fans. Drive belts are made of rubber and wear out over time, especially if they come into contact with oil. Periodic inspection is necessary to determine if drive belts need to be replaced; many manufacturers have set specific replacement intervals. If one drive belt is worn or has failed, the remaining drive belts should also be replaced. Often, drive belts are overlooked until they fail. Regular inspection and maintenance of your drive belts can prevent roadside breakdowns from happening to your vehicle. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your drive belts? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. We proudly serve the engine, mechanical and auto body needs of people who live and work in Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside, Sand City, Del Rey Oaks, Mar ... read more
Posted on 1/9/2012
Today's automobile electrical systems are getting more intricate and are stressing the limits of current technology, but they are generally designed from the same principles used 30-plus years ago. The battery is the vehicle’s power storage device used to start the engine and help operate the electrical accessories installed on your car. Average battery life has become shorter as energy requirements have increased. Lifespan depends on usage, which now averages 6 months to 48 months, yet only 30% of all batteries actually reach the 48-month mark. Whenever a car’s electrical system exhibits symptoms of a charging or starting system failure, the most basic test that should be performed first is a visual and voltage test of the battery. Once the exact condition of the battery is known, then it is easier to discover which system components may or may not be working properly, such as the fuses, starter, or alternator. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your electrical system? Whatever t ... read more
Posted on 1/4/2012
Generally, the timing belt (or timing chain) is the sole component that keeps the camshaft and crankshaft in sync. Replacing the timing belt (a cogged reinforced-rubber belt) at regular intervals -- generally every 60,000 miles unless the automobile manufacturer specifies longer -- is a lot less expensive and aggravating than having it break while the engine is running. A broken timing belt usually means catastrophe for an interference engine, and major inconvenience for a non-interference engine. In an interference engine, the valves and piston share the same air space. They never touch, unless your timing belt breaks or skips, and this is a catastrophic failure that requires removing the head and replacing bent valves. Non-interference engines do not risk this contact if the timing belt goes. Nonetheless, either can leave you stranded, so regular timing belt replacement is very important. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your timing belt? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert ... read more
Posted on 12/29/2011
I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2012. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I resolve to always serve my humans reliably, safely, comfortably, and be ready to go anytime they need me. I resolve to do everything I can to prevent my ... read more
Posted on 12/26/2011
A clutch is a mechanical device which provides for the transmission of power (and therefore usually motion) from one component (the driving member) to another (the driven member). The opposite component of the clutch is the brake. If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you may be surprised to find out that it has more than one clutch. Additionally, vehicles with automatic transmission cars have clutches, too. In a car, you need a clutch because the engine spins all the time, but the car's wheels do not. In order for a car to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine somehow. The clutch allows us to smoothly engage a spinning engine to a non-spinning transmission by controlling the slippage between them. A clutch works because of friction between a clutch plate and a flywheel. Clutches are prone to routine beatings and need to be checked and maintained on a regular basis. Clutch parts wear at different rates depending on the rider’s st ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2011
A manual transmission, or the gear box, is the type of transmission used in motor vehicles that uses a clutch to change the torque in the internal combustion engine. Put simply, manual transmissions make your car “go” forward or reverse, and if your transmission fails, so does your car. Getting a manual transmission replaced is very expensive, so it is important that you regularly maintain it to keep it running smoothly. Because there are so many moving parts within a manual transmission, it is natural for parts to get worn down and need replacement. Sometimes, manual transmissions do not work properly because the transmission is misaligned, the clutch is worn out, or the transmission fluid needs to be replaced. Fortunately, a little maintenance on a manual transmission can extend its lifetime, and we will be happy to service your vehicle to help it “go” smoothly and easily. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your manual transmission? Whatever the need, our staff ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2011
Here at Robert’s Auto Repair, we feel that engines are a highly-functional work of art -- for it takes a balance of mechanical integrity and sleek design to build such a powerful masterpiece. Engines do remarkable work, and if properly maintained, can last a very long time. The main function of an engine is to allow a small amount of gasoline and air, contained in a small enclosed space, to ignite and explode, generating energy that sets various mechanisms into motion to turn the wheels of the car. A constant cycle of these little explosions inside the engine runs your automobile. Literally hundreds of things can keep an automobile engine from running properly--the main ones being a bad fuel/air mix, lack of compression, or lack of spark. The engine is the heart of your vehicle’s life, so let our trained staff at Robert’s Auto Repair maintain it throughout your vehicle’s lifetime. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your engine? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2011
The 60,000 mile service is a major service, and likely the second one for your vehicle. For many vehicles, this is the largest and most expensive service you will need. This service may be referred to as a "tune-up". In addition to all that is done at the 30,000 Mile Service, the 60,000 mile service is where you will start seeing the replacement of additional fluids like the Automatic Transmission Fluid (Filter, if equipped), Engine Coolant and Differential Fluids. Some vehicles will require the Timing Belt Replacement and Valve Adjustment at this mileage interval. Need service, repair, or maintenance? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. Call 831-373-1534, or schedule an appointment with Robert’s Auto Repair. Located off of Del Monte Avenue right by Highway 1 near the boarder of Seaside and Monterey, we welcome you to stop by our shop at 234 Ramona Avenue, Mon ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2011
The 30,000 or 30K mile service is a major service, and likely the first one for your vehicle. Many car experts refer to this level of service as a "tune-up". In addition to all that is performed at the 15,000 Mile Service, the 30,000 mile service is where you will start seeing some of the fluids replaced, such as the brake fluid, engine coolant and transmission fluid, as well as spark plugs, air filters and the fuel filter. A more comprehensive checklist of inspections may also be included, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations for the vehicle. When you give your vehicle a 30,000 or 30K mile service, not only will your car run better, but it will last longer. People often skip this important step, and think that they can “get away with” missing a regular mileage service. Like many other people on a tight budget, you may think your car doesn’t sound so bad, so there’s no problem. Sound familiar? The problem is your car sometimes won’t reveal what’s wrong until it’s too late. M ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2011
The 15,000 or 15K mile service is an intermediate service, and likely the first one for your vehicle. This service generally involves an oil and filter change, tire rotation, and a safety inspection, as well as possible replacement of the engine air filter and cabin air filter. While changing the oil, we will visually inspect the brakes, belts and hoses, inspect for any fluid leaks, listen for any abnormal noises, and pay attention to any irregularities in the operation of the vehicle. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your vehicle for improved gas conservation? Whatever need you may have, Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. Call 831-373-1534, or schedule an appointment with Robert’s Auto Repair. Located off of Del Monte Avenue right by Highway 1 near the boarder of Seaside and Monterey, we welcome you to stop by our shop at 234 Ramona Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940. If you have any questi ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2011
The 7,500 or 7.5K mile service is a minor service, and it is the primary service that all other maintenance services are built on. This service generally involves an oil and filter change, tire rotation, and a safety inspection. While changing the oil, we will visually inspect the brakes, belts and hoses, inspecting for any fluid leaks, listen for any abnormal noises, and pay attention to any irregularities in the operation of the vehicle. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your vehicle for improved gas conservation? Whatever need you may have, Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to take care of your vehicle so that it may safely take care of you. Call 831-373-1534, or schedule an appointment with Robert’s Auto Repair. Located off of Del Monte Avenue right by Highway 1 near the boarder of Seaside and Monterey, we welcome you to stop by our shop at 234 Ramona Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940. If you have any questions about your auto's performance or maintenanc ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2011
Robert’s Auto Repair is proud to announce our new status as a Direct Repair Provider with USAA Auto Insurance. Designed to cover the needs of our students, staff, and faculty at Naval Post Graduate School, The Presidio of Monterey, Fort Ord and other local military facilities, Robert’s Auto Repair is a new provider for your auto body repair needs. Robert’s Auto Repair is an award-winning, highly respected, 26,000 sq. ft. auto body repair, mechanical repair, tire and alignment service, detailing and paint facility, located at 234 Ramona Avenue in Monterey, California. We are proud to serve the military and civilian communities within the Monterey Peninsula. If you are a USAA member and need any assistance with auto body repair, automotive mechanical repair, tire and alignment service, detailing or paint service, come to Robert’s Auto Repair, your premier auto repair center. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 831-373-1534 for Mechanical Repair or ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2011
At Robert’s Auto Repair, we love celebrating Halloween, for it’s one of our favorite holidays. However, don’t get scary driving around while the little ghosts and goblins are Trick-Or-Treating. To help keep Halloween fun, we thought we’d provide some driving “tricks” and tips to stay safe on the road after dark on Halloween. To help everyone bring home treats — not tragedies — follow these driving tips for a safe Halloween: Don't use a cell phone while driving through neighborhoods. A single distraction could lead to a tragedy. Stay well below the posted speed limit. Pay attention to what's happening on sidewalks and roadways. Watch for children darting across streets, especially between parked cars. Be extra alert when pulling in and out of driveways. Do not assume children can see you or are paying attention. You need to take that responsibility. Drivers should also check that all lights on their car work. Do not pass other vehicles that have stopped in the roadway. They could be dr ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2011
With regular mileage service, not only will your car run better, but it will last longer. People often skip this important step, and think that they can “get away with” missing a regular mileage service. Like many other people on a tight budget, you may think your car doesn’t sound so bad, so there’s no problem. Sound familiar? The problem is your car sometimes won’t reveal what’s wrong until it’s too late. Most problems happen quickly, and before you know it, that little sound means your car won’t start. Preventative maintenance and a mileage service could have kept that problem in check. With smart maintenance and regular servicing of your vehicle, you can keep your repair costs down, rather than letting the problem become a thousand-dollar-plus monster. Time and time again, it’s been proven that a simple car tune up and mileage service can stretch your dollar further than you could imagine. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your vehicle for improved gas conservation? Whatever ... read more
Posted on 10/24/2011
Do you live, work, or play in Monterey, Seaside, or Pacific Grove, and you need an auto repair center that can work on your vehicle’s suspension? Robert’s Auto Repair will be delighted to keep you in good suspension...(or is that suspense?)...when you bring your automobile in for suspension service. The most important function of the suspension system is to influence the control and handling characteristics of your vehicle. Without a properly working suspension system, a vehicle would continually bounce and bound down the road, making driving extremely difficult and unsafe. Shocks and struts control the spring and suspension movement to keep the tires in contact with the road. The suspension system controls the action of the springs to resist bottoming when you hit a pothole...and keep the movement of the springs under control when they rebound. To ensure the safety of your vehicle on the road, Robert’s Auto Repair technicians can inspect your suspension system and repair th ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2011
The Importance of a Properly Functioning Air Conditioning System After an Accident A well-functioning air conditioning (AC) system in your vehicle is not just a matter of comfort, especially in the hotter sections of Monterey County; it is also crucial for safety. At CARSTAR Robert’s Collision, we understand that an accident can impact various components of your vehicle, including the AC system. Addressing these issues promptly is essential not only for restoring comfort but also for maintaining your vehicle's overall performance and safety. Why a Working AC System Matters Comfort and Safety: A properly functioning AC system enhances driving comfort, which can reduce driver fatigue and improve focus on the road. In extreme heat, a malfunctioning AC can lead to discomfort and dehydration, which are hazardous while driving. Additionally, without AC, windows may fog up more easily, obstructing visibility and increasing the risk of accidents ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2011
Understanding Major vs. Minor Services at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision At CARSTAR Robert’s Collision, we specialize in providing top-notch auto body repair and collision services. While we no longer offer traditional mechanical services like oil changes and engine checks, understanding the difference between major and minor services can still be crucial when it comes to the aftermath of an accident and dealing with insurance claims. Traditional Minor vs. Major Vehicle Services In the context of regular vehicle maintenance, minor services typically include: Oil and Filter Change: Essential for engine health. Lubrication: For vehicles not factory-sealed. Inspections: Checking fluids, filters, belts, hoses, brakes, and emissions. Tire Rotation: Recommended by some manufacturers. Major services, usually performed less frequently, often include: Comprehensive Inspections ... read more
Posted on 9/26/2011
Come to Robert’s Auto Repair in Monterey for your vehicle’s oil changes. Regular oil changes are necessary to ensure the proper performance of a car or truck's engine. Frequent oil changes provide for a cleaner engine, longer engine life, lower vehicle emissions, better gas mileage, and better engine performance. You should consider Robert’s Auto Repair for your vehicle’s next oil change near Monterey, Seaside, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Sand City, Del Rey Oaks, Carmel, Marina, Corral de Tierra, and Salinas. Our goal at Robert’s Auto Repair, your dealership alternative, is to provide honest and quality work with each and every oil change. We have a loyal customer base within the Monterey Peninsula because of our commitment to customer satisfaction. Call today at 831-373-1534 to schedule an appointment for your oil changes. Robert’s Auto Repair is conveniently located at 234 Ramona Avenue near the Pacific Grove Del Monte Exit off Highway 1 in Monterey. Click here to view our online s ... read more
Posted on 9/19/2011
After months of construction, Robert’s Auto Repair has a new look...and it’s beautiful! Check out this slideshow of our remodeled front entrance and new sign. Not only is our facility more beautiful, it is the premier auto repair center on the Monterey Peninsula. Contact us for an appointment to take advantage of the following services offered in house: Auto Detailing Tire Center Wheel Alignment Paintless Dent Repair Factory Quality Paint and Body Work (with a lifetime warranty) Air Conditioning Suspension Brake Repair Air Bag Installation Mechanical Repair (with a 2 year warranty) Robert’s Auto Repair is the first and only Green shop in the area using waterborne paint, a state of the art paint that protects the earth and employee health. Our staff is made up of certified mechanical technicians and certified body and paint technicians who back up their work with a written warranty. Trust and a job well done is what has made Robert’s Auto Repair voted as the Best Auto Serv ... read more
Posted on 9/14/2011
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca is home to the 2011 Monterey Sports Car Championships, featuring dramatic races for the Playboy Mazda MX5 Cup, Cooper Tires prototype Lites Championships, the Patron GT3 Challenge by Yokohama and Star Mazda Championship presented by Goodyear. What is the American Le Mans Series?
The American Le Mans Series is a unique style of race. Four classes of car, Le Mans Prototype 1 and 2 and Grand Touring 1 and 2, compete in American Le Mans races. Each class has different specifications and different top speeds, but multiple car classes are on the track at once. Racers must not only compete with cars in their own class, but navigate the track while cars faster or slower than theirs swarm around them. The highlight is the race presented by Patron on Saturday night, which begins in the afternoon and continues as the sun sets. The Monterey Sports C ... read more
Posted on 9/5/2011
The Benefits of Waterborne Paint: A Decade of Green Innovation at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision At CARSTAR Robert’s Collision, we take pride in being pioneers in environmentally friendly practices within the auto body industry. Since becoming the first and only green-certified body shop in the Monterey area, we've continued to advance our commitment to sustainability and quality. One of our standout initiatives has been the adoption of waterborne paint technology, which remains at the forefront of our eco-friendly efforts. Why Waterborne Paint? Environmental and Safety Benefits: Waterborne paint technology significantly reduces the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are harmful to both the environment and human health. By using water as the primary solvent, we lower the levels of hazardous chemicals released into the air, contributing to improved air quality and a safer working environment for our employees. S ... read more
Posted on 8/29/2011
Welcome Back to School: Ensuring Safety on the Roads Summer has come to an end, and it’s that time of the year when children are heading back to school. The excitement of new beginnings, meeting new friends, and diving into new learning adventures is palpable. However, amidst all the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, especially when it comes to your family vehicle. At Robert’s Auto Body Collision and Repair, we understand the importance of keeping your vehicle in top-notch condition to ensure the safety of your loved ones on the road. The Importance of Vehicle Safety When it comes to back-to-school preparations, vehicle safety often takes a backseat to buying school supplies and new clothes. However, ensuring your vehicle is safe and reliable is paramount. A well-maintained car not only prevents unexpected breakdowns but also protects your family from potential accidents. Key Safety Checks for Your Vehicle1. Brake System The b ... read more
Posted on 8/20/2011
The Pacific Grove Auto Show happened on Friday, August 19th and there were some terrific looking cars there. We recognized some of our local clients there and their cars. Check out the photos taken by Robert's Auto Repair
Posted on 8/15/2011

Mazda began as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd, founded in Japan in 1920. Toyo Cork Kogyo renamed itself to Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1927. Toyo Kogyo moved from manufacturing machine tools to vehicles, with the introduction of the Mazda-Go in 1931. Toyo Kogyo produced weapons for the Japanese military throughout the Second World War, most notably the series 30 through 35 Type 99 rifle. The company formally adopted the Mazda name in 1984, though every automobile sold from the beginning bore that name. The Mazda R360 was introduced in 1960, followed by the Mazda Carol in 1962. Beginning in the 1960s, Mazda put a major engineering effort into development of the Wankel rotary engine as a way of differentiating themselves from other American auto companies. This effort to bring attention to themselves apparently helped, as Mazda rapidly began to export its vehicles. Both piston-powered and rotary-powered models made their way around the world. The rotary models quickly became popular fo ... read more
Posted on 8/8/2011

According to Kia Motors, the name "Kia" derives from the Sino-Korean words ki ("to come out") and a (which stands for Asia), it is roughly translated as "arise or come up out of Asia" or "rising out of Asia". South Korea's oldest car company, Kia was founded on June 9, 1944 as a manufacturer of steel tubing and bicycle parts by hand — and has operated as one of the country's conglomerates since. In 1952, Kia changed its name from Kyungsung Precision Industry, and later built motorcycles (starting in 1957), trucks (1962) and cars (1974). The company opened its first integrated automotive assembly plant in 1973, the Sohari Plant. Starting in 1986, in partnership with Ford, Kia produced several Mazda derived vehicles for both domestic sales in South Korea into other countries. These models include the Pride (based on the Mazda 121) and Avella, which were sold in North America and Australasia as the Ford Festiva and For ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2011

Jaguar is a British luxury car manufacturer, headquartered in Whitley, Coventry, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Indian company Tata Motors Ltd. and is operated as part of the Jaguar Land Rover business. Jaguar was founded as the Swallow Sidecar Company by Sir William Lyons in 1922, originally making motorcycle sidecars before evolving into passenger cars. The name was changed to Jaguar after World War II due to the unfavourable connotations of the SS initials. Following a merger with the British Motor Corporation in 1968, subsequently subsumed by Leyland, which itself was later nationalised as British Leyland, Jaguar was listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1984, and became a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index until it was acquired by Ford in 1989. Jaguar cars today are designed in Jaguar/Land Rover's engineering centres at the Whitley plant in Coventry and at Gaydon in Warwickshire, and are manufactured in two of Jaguar/Land Rover's plants; Castle Bromwich assemb ... read more