Posted on 11/28/2016
How is the health of your vehicle’s alternator? Do you know what happens to your car, truck, or SUV when the alternator dies? Here are six signs that your alternator may be having challenges: You need to jumpstart your vehicle on a frequent basis. The lights on your vehicle are dim and not as bright as they should be. The battery light on your dashboard is on. The smell of burning rubber may indicate that a belt is not working properly. You hear odd grinding or whining noises. Your electrical system is not operating properly. So, what contributes to alternator failure? The alternator is the generator for your vehicle’s electrical system. Here are four things that could lead to alternator failure. If your battery is going bad, it could contribute to alternator failure. Dirty battery terminals could cause the alternator to not start. If your cables and connections are worn out, they can cause alternator failure. An alternator belt ... read more
Posted on 10/17/2016
What exactly is engine misfire? When your vehicle’s check engine appears on your dashboard, essentially, your engine is misfiring. There are a number of reasons why your engine could be misfiring. However, at Robert’s Collision & Repair, many of our customers face a similar problem. If this scenario sounds at all familiar, we encourage you to bring your vehicle into our shop as soon as possible: You are driving home in a heavy rainstorm one night, and you accidently drive through a puddle. This, of course, results in a wave of water washing over your car’s hood and window. Your check engine light immediately begins to flash, and your engine begins to misfire. Fortunately, you get home safely, but the next morning the check engine light appears again. After a few minutes, the light goes away. This pattern goes on for a few days and then stops. However, next time it rains, you are faced with the same problem. As you can see, this is a complex iss ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2016
10% discount on labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Offer valid through September 9, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. In honor of Labor Day, we want to celebrate by offering our clients a 10% discount up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Call it a labor of love, but we want our customers to know how much they mean to us, and that is why we are discounting 10% off labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. What could you do for your vehicle that would qualify for this offer? Here are a few mechanical repairs or services that could extend the life of your vehicle and save you money at the same time: Drive belt replacement Transmission oil service Power steering fluid service A/C system check & charge Coolant flush With all the back to school activities and preparations for a busy Autumn, doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of our September offer, which ends Septemb ... read more
Posted on 10/19/2015

Auto battery Safety Month is in October. To celebrate, Robert’s Collision & Auto Repair is happy to provide information about maintaining a car’s battery and warning signs of a dying battery. Tips for maintaining a car's battery: If you can, park in a garage. A thoroughly insulated garage will keep your battery warm, which will prolong the life of the battery. Drive your vehicle on a routine basis. Avoid frequent, short drives. Try not to leave vehicle accessories on for a long period of time. For example, leaving a cell phone charger plugged in will require the battery to recharge constantly, which shortens the life of the battery. Make sure to have your vehicle serviced regularly. An engine in poor condition will overload the battery. Typically, batteries last about two to three years, but how do you know if your battery is on the verge of dying? Here are the signs to watch out for: Your engine cranks when you turn the key, but it will not st ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2011
Here at Robert’s Auto Repair, we feel that engines are a highly-functional work of art -- for it takes a balance of mechanical integrity and sleek design to build such a powerful masterpiece. Engines do remarkable work, and if properly maintained, can last a very long time. The main function of an engine is to allow a small amount of gasoline and air, contained in a small enclosed space, to ignite and explode, generating energy that sets various mechanisms into motion to turn the wheels of the car. A constant cycle of these little explosions inside the engine runs your automobile. Literally hundreds of things can keep an automobile engine from running properly--the main ones being a bad fuel/air mix, lack of compression, or lack of spark. The engine is the heart of your vehicle’s life, so let our trained staff at Robert’s Auto Repair maintain it throughout your vehicle’s lifetime. Need service, repair, or maintenance on your engine? Whatever the need, our staff at Robert’s Auto Repair ... read more