Posted on 1/18/2021
Lucky for us, not too many crazy things happen here on the Monterey Peninsula. However, that doesn’t mean we should blow off preparing for disaster. Monterey County has seen numerous wildfires, evacuations, car accidents, and other disasters. Why not prepare yourself, your family, and your car in case you need to leave your home on short notice? If you take the time to be prepared, the painful sting of unexpected accidents or emergencies can be reduced. Of course, one can never be fully prepared to a life-altering event, but advance preparation can remove some of the chaos that comes with it. Earlier this month, we shared some helpful advice that can help you and your family prepare. Here’s a recap: Check your tires. Just a couple extra minutes in the morning, make sure your tires aren’t going flat on you. You can even use the penny trick! When your tires are properly inflated, not only will your tires last longer, but you will reduce your chances of a blowo ... read more
Posted on 1/11/2021
Every year, many of us promise to do better in the new year. A lot of us resolve to lose weight, change an old bad habit, or quit the things that no longer serve us. In 2021, we’re curious. What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Among them, will you resolve to drive better and safer this year? With the Coronavirus still affecting our local communities, our state, and our nation, many of our driving habits have changed. Some drivers report feeling that their driving skills have become rusty. Other drivers have confessed that since they’re more glued to their phones, the temptation to text and drive can be overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions for better driving and safer travels in 2021. Pack a personal health kit that includes two spare face masks, hand sanitizer, bottled water, and some Kleenex. Not only will this help you reduce your risk of exposure, but it may also come in handy for anyone who accidentally leaves th ... read more
Posted on 1/4/2021
In the past years, we have posted our annual letter titled “New Year’s Resolutions From Your Car”. Now that CARSTAR Robert’s Collision is no longer doing mechanical repair and exclusively handling auto body repair, we have updated the annual letter written from the perspective of your vehicle. Enjoy! For us, it’s become a tradition to share a few New Year’s Resolutions with you. Sometimes resolutions are tough to stick to, but these 5 simple car care routines are quick and easy to maintain. Little reminders to do the simple things to keep your car running until next year! 1) Get your car washed regularly. This is one of those little things that fall to the side after a while. Keeping your car washed and clean can help maintain visibility and extend the life of your paint coat! When you wash your car, not only are you helping it look clean, but you are also rinsing away the salt and grime that could affect your brakes’ ability to ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2018
Happy New Year from our family at Robert’s Collision and Repair to yours. This year, we’re especially grateful for your loyalty and ongoing business. Every day we do our best to deliver exceptional auto repair with fantastic customer service. Still, we know you have a choice when it comes to auto repair and we appreciate your ongoing business because it enables us to make contributions to you and our community in different ways. Here are a few examples: By delivering exceptional auto repair and preventative maintenance, we’re doing our part to prevent accidents and make our roads safer. When you commit to ongoing maintenance, we’re helping you get best possible value from your vehicle and, at the same time, enabling you to get wherever you need to be when you need to be there. Your ongoing business also enables us to support sports programs at Monterey High School. There’s more to collision and auto repair than turn ... read more
Posted on 1/2/2017
For us, it’s become a tradition to share a few New Year’s Resolutions with you. Sometimes resolutions are tough to stick to, but these 5 simple car care routines are quick and easy to maintain. Little reminders to do the simple things to keep your car running until next year! 1) Get your car washed regularly This is one of those little things that fall to the side after a while. Keeping your car washed and clean can help maintain visibility and extend the life of your paint coat! 2) Check the oil Making sure you always have enough motor oil in the engine is a simple thing to check, and cheap to maintain. And it’s great for your engine! 3) Check your tires Just a couple extra minutes in the morning, make sure your tires aren’t going flat on you. You can even use the penny trick! 4) Take it in for maintenance Yes, we know. You hear this all the time. Even still, we can’t stress enough how important regular maintenance like oil changes are to the life ... read more
Posted on 1/3/2016
Editorial Note: We can’t help but publish this love letter from your vehicle each year. It’s one of our annual traditions. Happy New Year from the entire Robert’s Auto Repair team! I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2016. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches ... read more
Posted on 1/4/2015
Editorial Note: We can’t help but run this note from your vehicle every year. It’s one of our annual traditions. Happy New Year from the entire Robert’s Auto Repair team! I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2015. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I ... read more
Posted on 12/26/2010
I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2011. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches, pot holes, and any damage that would harm me or make my insurance go up. I resolve to always serve my humans reliably, safely, comfortably, and be ready to go anytime they need me. I resolve to do everything I can to prevent my humans f ... read more