What exactly is engine misfire? When your vehicle’s check engine appears on your dashboard, essentially, your engine is misfiring. There are a number of reasons why your engine could be misfiring. However, at Robert’s Collision & Repair, many of our customers face a similar problem. If this scenario sounds at all familiar, we encourage you to bring your vehicle into our shop as soon as possible: You are driving home in a heavy rainstorm one night, and you accidently drive through a puddle. This, of course, results in a wave of water washing over your car’s hood and window. Your check engine light immediately begins to flash, and your engine begins to misfire. Fortunately, you get home safely, but the next morning the check engine light appears again. After a few minutes, the light goes away. This pattern goes on for a few days and then stops. However, next time it rains, you are faced with the same problem. As you can see, this is a complex iss ... read more