Posted on 4/10/2017

Big Sur is a popular travel destination for adventurous road trippers and vacationers alike. For those who’ve never been, Big Sur is simply the coast south of Carmel-By-the-Sea, and north of San Simeon, and sequestered by the Santa Lucia Mountains. The area is best known for hiking, camping, beaches, and all sorts of opportunities for adventure. Tourism in this area is essential for the modest community of families and small businesses who call Big Sur their home. But, even with blue skies and cleared roads, the drive can easily become treacherous for unprepared travelers. In order to facilitate the happy travel of as many consumers, customers, and commuters as possible, we have a few resources we’d like to share to help ensure you have a safe trip! Regardless of where your starting point is, you’ll have to take Highway 1 to get into Big Sur (unless you’re a fan of mountain climbing, of course!). Unfortunately, due to the recent extreme weather conditions, many ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017
April 2017 Monthly Offer -- $10 Off Service. Offer valid through April 30, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. It’s Tax Time, and in an effort to help our customers save money, we are offering a flat $10 off service. Which service? Any service. It doesn’t matter if it’s an oil change or a major 60,000-mile service. We are willing to knock $10 off any service you need. Yep, that’s how we help you stretch your dollars so you can pay Uncle Sam and remain safe on the road, all at the same time. This offer is good for the month of April only, so don’t miss out on this grand opportunity to save. To take advantage of this special $10 Off Service, schedule an appointment with our Service Department at 831-373-1534 and mention this offer. We look forward to seeing you soon!  
Posted on 3/27/2017
With all the information out there about technology that inhibits driver safety, it’s worth taking a look at the other side of things: technology that makes our driving safer. Consider something as accepted as seatbelts! In the history of cars, seat belts are still a relatively new adaptation to cars, keeping driver and passengers that much safer in case of an accident. Let’s take a look at some of the latest tech when it comes to our daily commutes. GPS Whether it’s Garmin, Tom-Tom, Google Maps, Apple Maps, or however you endearingly refer to your electronic navigator, GPS mapping apps and devices have changed the way we travel. The cost of technology like this ranges from free apps to aftermarket vehicle additions that range in price. But because of our GPS, you hardly see someone driving around with a map folded out in front of them. Back-Up Cameras Once you have one, you won’t know how you went about parallel parking and backing up with ... read more
Posted on 3/20/2017
At Robert’s Collision & Repair, we hear about this particular issue very frequently. So from the experts, here are a couple reasons why your car might not be accelerating. Emergency Brake First things first, check if your emergency brake is on. This prevents you from moving at all, and it’s a pretty common mistake. Neutral Similarly, if your car is set in neutral, it may stay at a stand still just as with an emergency brake or roll away unintentionally. This is another easy mistake with a pretty easy solution. Electrical Issues This is not so much an easy solution. Electrical issues will require a maintenance professional to take a look at your car. Often, it has to do with the car misreading its own pollution error. Luckily, we know a great mechanic! (hint: it’s us!) Worn Timing Belt This simply means that you’ll need your timing belt repaired or replaced. As you accelerate, the whee ... read more
Posted on 3/13/2017
There are many ways to clean and organize your car, but all of them start with some good, old-fashioned spring cleaning. Here are our 5 steps to de-cluttering your car! Cleaning. Yes, it’s the top of the list. Vacuuming the seats and floors, wiping down the dash and console, vacuuming the floor mats, washing your vehicle, and protecting it with wax or a sealant. All these regular cleaning tasks may be chores, but it’s the best place to start when tidying and sorting out the goodies from the trash in your car. Next, consider what you really need to have in your car. Return your mugs and water bottles, and miscellaneous containers to their rightful place indoors for a good wash. It would also do some good to go through your glove box, center console, and other storage compartments in your car. Do you really need every single paper evidencing your car’s SMOG from 2003 until now? Keep the necessary paperwork, and store or shred the rest. Tackle the trunk. I ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2017
March 2017 Special: Free Check Engine Light Scan Does not include diagnosis or repair. Offer valid through March 31, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. Does your “Check Engine” light turn on when you start your vehicle and stay on? If yes, your vehicle is trying to tell you something’s up. It may be as simple as your gas cap isn’t sealed properly, or something more serious. Either way, it is important to get to the bottom of what’s happening, and that is why we are offering a Free Check Engine Light Scan during the month of March. Robert’s will connect our diagnostic equipment to your vehicle and perform a scan for any system faults. Any fault codes will be recorded and documented. Charges will apply for actual diagnosis and repair. To take advantage of this March special of a Free Check Engine Light Scan, schedule an appointment with our Service Department at 831-373-1534 and mention this o ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2017
At Robert’s Collision & Repair, we’ve seen the whole range of car troubles! Here’s a handful of the most common problems that auto repair shops like us see. Our list here happens to also be backed by several studies done on auto repair too. If you’re having any trouble with any of these parts of your car, come see us! 10. Driver-Installed Add-Ons Often, when drivers install extras like alarm systems, radios, or wireless devices in their car, it will divert power from other necessary car systems and cause problems. It’s best to have these things installed at the store or at an auto shop to ensure this doesn’t become a problem. 9. Gaskets Although certainly not the most common culprit of automotive issues, improperly functioning gaskets can reduce the fuel efficiency of your car. 8. Ignition Coils These work together with spark plugs to get your car moving, and are not very driver-friendly when it comes to repairs an ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2017
$50 Off Timing Belt Replacement. Offer valid through February 28, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. How’s your timing belt? Is it time to be replaced? If yes, Robert’s Collision & Repair has a deal for you that’s perfectly timed… $50 off timing belt replacement, good through the month of February. Regardless of how many puns we can make about time, your vehicle’s timing belt is a highly critical component that must not be overlooked. If your timing belt breaks, it could mean catastrophic damage to your engine, and that could run you thousands of dollars in repair. To stay on the safe side, be proactive and replace your timing belt when your vehicle requires major service before it becomes cracked, worn, torn or loose. Our offer of $50 off timing belt replacement is a sweetheart deal, and it’ll help keep you and your passengers the major inconvenience of a breakdown on a highway or by ... read more
Posted on 1/30/2017
A road trip with your best friend! Your best furry friend, that is. Nothing can top the utter, childlike joy of a dog’s smiling face out the window as you drive along. As much as driving your beloved pet around with you can be fun for them and sometimes necessary (visiting the vet, the groomer, moving, etc.) it can become very dangerous, very easily. We’re going to let you in on a few safety tips for your canine companion, for puppies and for full grown dogs alike. 1. Bring Supplies Regardless of whether you’re going for a long trip or a short run to the groomer and back, make sure you have everything you need for your dog, especially puppies! Collars, ID tags with a current phone number/address, water, doggie bags, and even some kibble and treats. Puppies can’t exactly “hold it.” You never know if you’ll be in an accident or delayed in another way, so be prepared. If something does happen with and your dog is with you, it’s one ... read more
Posted on 1/9/2017
10% Off Antifreeze Service. Offer valid through January 31, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. Is your vehicle’s radiator ready for the winter weather El Nino is expected to bring? If you’re not sure, consider bringing your vehicle in for an antifreeze flush and replacement. During the month of January, we are offering 10% off antifreeze service so you can better prepare your vehicle for the long winter ahead. Antifreeze flush and replacement is beneficial for several reasons: It removes rust and scale deposits. It lubricates the water pump. It removes contaminants. It allows us to pressure test your system for leaks. It protects your engine from rust and foam. To take advantage of this January special of 10% off Antifreeze Service, schedule an appointment with our Service Department at 831-373-1534 and mention this offer. We look forward to seeing you soon!  
Posted on 12/26/2016
Being stranded with your car is undoubtedly a scary experience. Being stuck in your car is particularly scary if you are caught in a blizzard, stuck in a flash flood, riding through a major earthquake, or drive over a cliff. Believe it or not, if you are prepared, the situation can seem a lot less scary and much more manageable. Robert’s Collision and Repair has compiled a list of survival tips if you and your family are ever stuck in your car: Don’t abandon your car in a blizzard or storm: If you are far away from a town or city, walking away from your car can be very dangerous. If you are caught in a storm or blizzard, your car is excellent shelter. Do abandon your car if you are caught in a flood or enter a body of water. Roll down the windows or break the windows to escape, in case the water pressure won’t allow you to open the doors. Use a flag: If you are stranded on the side of the road, tie a flag on your antenna to alert upcoming d ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2016
We have witnessed many of our customer's cars suffer damage from hitting the curb. When the winter roads are slick, you are more likely to, unfortunately, hit the curb. It may seem as if this is a small mistake, but it can, in fact, inflict lasting damage on your vehicle. If you have hit the curb recently, we recommend contacting Robert’s Collision and Repair, so we can have a look at your vehicle: Even if you are going as slow as 5-10 mph, the impact from the curb can damage your tires and wheels. When you hit a curb, you are jolting the connection between your steering system and wheels. The damage to this system can inhibit your ability to steer, especially during winter. Hitting a curb can shock your car’s knuckles, spindles, and axles. This can upset your car’s control system and suspensions. The steering knuckle has two parts: the wheel hub and the spindle. When you hit a curb, you can damage this important component of your veh ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2016
We think our tires only last up to 2 years maximum, but we are completely wrong. Tires can, in fact, with proper care and storage, can last up to an incredible ten years. The team at Robert’s Collision and Repair has put together a list of the best-kept secrets of tire maintenance: Exposure to UV rays shortens the lifespan of your tires. Keep them inside as much as possible. Inspect your tires and rims every month. Make sure to look out for cracks in the sidewall, along with continually monitoring your tread depth. The appropriate amount of tread depth will depend on where you live and your climate. If it is rainy or snowy, you will need a different tread depth, compared to someone who lives in a sunny and humid climate. Ask us about the appropriate tread depth for your tires. Overall, keep your tires away from sunlight, ozone, an environment with a stable temperature as much as possible. If you follow the tips listed above, your tires should last approxi ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2016
$50 Off for repairs totaling $300 or more in Labor Expenses. Offer valid through December 21, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. During the holidays, we appreciate that a big chunk of your budget is spent on the ones you love. If the safety of your loved ones is important to you, we encourage you to take advantage of our big December savings offer: $50 Off for Repairs Totaling $300 or More in Labor Expenses. You see, we understand that you work hard for your money, and that is why we like to offer specials that help you keep some of that hard earned cash. Since you may not know what repairs tend to total $300 or more in labor, here are some ideas to consider: Strut replacement Major 30K, 60K, 90K, or 120K mile service Engine rebuilds New tires If you’ve been putting major repairs on the back burner, waiting until you see a price break or until you receive a much-needed Christmas bonus, this is the perf ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2016
How is the health of your vehicle’s alternator? Do you know what happens to your car, truck, or SUV when the alternator dies? Here are six signs that your alternator may be having challenges: You need to jumpstart your vehicle on a frequent basis. The lights on your vehicle are dim and not as bright as they should be. The battery light on your dashboard is on. The smell of burning rubber may indicate that a belt is not working properly. You hear odd grinding or whining noises. Your electrical system is not operating properly. So, what contributes to alternator failure? The alternator is the generator for your vehicle’s electrical system. Here are four things that could lead to alternator failure. If your battery is going bad, it could contribute to alternator failure. Dirty battery terminals could cause the alternator to not start. If your cables and connections are worn out, they can cause alternator failure. An alternator belt ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2016
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, don’t forget the essentials… Full tank of gas? Check! Tires properly inflated with the right amount of air? Check! Spare tire and battery cables in place? Check! Was the oil changed recently? Check! Road trip music? Hmmm…. If you don’t already have a playlist prepared, here are a few suggestions for an epic Thanksgiving road trip: The Travel Song from Shrek The Musical: Wait for Love by St. Lucia: Shelter Song by Temples: Silhouettes by Colony House: https ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2016
Robert’s Collision & Repair has earned the reputation as the leading auto repair center on the Monterey Peninsula, but what exactly separates us from our competitors? We have a compiled a list of reasons: Estimators located on site at our facility make the process of auto repair much easier. They can quickly estimate the cost and extent of the damage, so we begin repairing your vehicle that much faster. We’re a preferred vendor for several insurance companies, including GEICO, Farmers, State Farm, Progressive, USAA, and several other auto insurance carriers. In order to become a preferred vendor, you need to meet several standards and requirements. Basically, it is a big deal. Insurance companies trust us to properly repair your car. Our customer service is both professional and personable. We pay close attention to effectively and efficiently service your vehicle, while keeping you informed each step of the way. We boast an on-site Enterprise Rent-A-Car ... read more
Posted on 10/17/2016
What exactly is engine misfire? When your vehicle’s check engine appears on your dashboard, essentially, your engine is misfiring. There are a number of reasons why your engine could be misfiring. However, at Robert’s Collision & Repair, many of our customers face a similar problem. If this scenario sounds at all familiar, we encourage you to bring your vehicle into our shop as soon as possible: You are driving home in a heavy rainstorm one night, and you accidently drive through a puddle. This, of course, results in a wave of water washing over your car’s hood and window. Your check engine light immediately begins to flash, and your engine begins to misfire. Fortunately, you get home safely, but the next morning the check engine light appears again. After a few minutes, the light goes away. This pattern goes on for a few days and then stops. However, next time it rains, you are faced with the same problem. As you can see, this is a complex iss ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2016

The rainy season is around the corner. This means we need to make sure our wipers are in tip-top shape. It is easy to forget about our windshield wipers, compared to our car’s brakes or transmission. For clear visibility, you must stay vigilant and take care to replace your windshield wipers as needed. It is important to keep an eye on our windshield wipers. When you notice these signs, we recommend contacting Robert’s Collision & Repair to schedule a windshield wiper replacement: Streaking left on the glass. Your windshield wiper makes noises when in use. When operating, your windshield wipers slightly bounce. Sometimes windshield wiper replacement will not solve the problem, so it begs the question: What exactly is wrong with my windshield wipers? There can be a myriad of issues causing your wipers to act up. However, this is a common issue we see our customers struggling with. Their windshield wipers work perfectly fine on the intermi ... read more
Posted on 10/4/2016
10% Off Labor for Car Battery Replacement. Offer valid through October 31, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. October is Car Care Month and that is why Robert’s Collision & Repair is offering the following special: 10% Off Labor for Car Battery Replacement. With all the electronics and systems pulling power from the car battery, it’s no wonder that batteries die more quickly. Today’s automobile electrical systems are getting more intricate and are stressing the limits of current technology, but they are generally designed from the same principles used 30-plus years ago. The battery is the vehicle’s power storage device used to start the engine and help operate the electrical accessories installed on your car. Average battery life has become shorter as energy requirements have increased. Lifespan depends on usage, which now averages 6 months to 48 months, yet only 30% of all batteries actually reach t ... read more
Posted on 9/26/2016
With fall upon us, it is time to start taking advantage of the beautiful foliage scattered around the central coast. How can you go about doing this? Autumn road trips are the answer. We are all about appreciating the beautiful community we call home. Robert’s Collision & Repair has put together a list of the top autumn road trips on the central coast: Monterey’s Wine Trail: This road trip is nestled in the Salinas Hills on River Road. This route is full of beautiful scenery, quaint places to stop for lunch, and even a zoo, complete with lynxes and lions. Ukiah Redwoods: This exquisite forest is located in Mendocino County. During autumn, the foliage rivals what you would see on the east coast. Big Sur and the Pacific Coast Highway: It does not matter the season. Driving along PCH in Big Sur is always breathtaking. However, in the fall, the foliage is absolutely stunning. It is a mixture of reds, yellows, a ... read more
Posted on 9/19/2016
UPDATED AS OF OCT. 1, 2023: Safeguarding Your Vehicle and Savings: 5 Tips to Improve Gas Mileage in 2023 Gas prices continue to climb, and it's more important than ever to get the most out of your vehicle's gas mileage. At Robert’s Collision & Repair, we've evolved over the past decade to specialize exclusively in bodywork. Our mission is to help you keep your vehicle in pristine condition, ensuring you don't have to visit us due to an accident. Here are five tips to enhance your gas mileage while safeguarding your vehicle in 2023. 1. Drive Defensively to Avoid Accidents: Saving Gas and Staying Safe Aggressive driving, characterized by speeding, rapid acceleration, and sudden braking, not only endangers your safety but also harms your gas mileage. By adopting defensive driving habits, you not only conserve fuel but also reduce the risk of accidents that might require our bodywork expertise. If you do find yourself in need of support after ... read more
Posted on 9/12/2016
You can think of your vehicle’s paint as its skin. Just like how we have to protect our skin from harm, we have to do the same for our car’s paint. The first step in protecting your car’s paint is to recognize what you should avoid, as a car-owner. The team at Robert’s Collision & Repair has compiled a list of what you should be wary of: Sun: Just like our skin, the sun’s UV rays can cause severe damage to your vehicle’s paint. In the hot sun, your car’s paint actually expands, which means it can absorb more dirt and grime. Bird droppings: Not only do bird droppings look less than pleasant, they are also harmful to our car’s paint. In fact, they are very acidic, so they are able to easily erode paint and clear-coat finishes quite easily. Tree Sap: It is easy to see why sap is an enemy to our car’s paint. It is sticky, difficult to remove, and an absolute magnet for ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2016
10% discount on labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Offer valid through September 9, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. In honor of Labor Day, we want to celebrate by offering our clients a 10% discount up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Call it a labor of love, but we want our customers to know how much they mean to us, and that is why we are discounting 10% off labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. What could you do for your vehicle that would qualify for this offer? Here are a few mechanical repairs or services that could extend the life of your vehicle and save you money at the same time: Drive belt replacement Transmission oil service Power steering fluid service A/C system check & charge Coolant flush With all the back to school activities and preparations for a busy Autumn, doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of our September offer, which ends Septemb ... read more
Posted on 8/28/2016
The kids are all back in school by now. Is your vehicle prepared for back-to-school safety? According to the National Safety Council, there are several things you can do to help your kids stay safe as they travel to and from school. Obey all traffic signs. This may seem pretty basic, but there are plenty of people who assume that traffic signs don’t apply to them. They disobey the traffic signs by not stopping at a stop sign, not yielding at a yield sign, ignoring Do Not Enter signs, and so on. Don’t be one of those people who risks the safety of others by ignoring signs. Please, obey all traffic signs, for they were put there for the safety of everyone. Don’t text and drive. Yes, you may be in a hurry and yes, you may feel like communicating via text while driving, but don’t do it. It’s too risky for you and everyone in your vicinity. Your focus should b ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2016
10% Off Labor for Tire Rotation Service. Offer valid through August 31, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. Did you know that tire rotation can extend the life of your tires up to 20 percent? That means if you have tires that are rated for 50,000 miles, you may be able to squeeze an extra 10,000 miles out of them if you rotate those tires at the factory’s recommended rate. To extend the life of your tires, take advantage of our monthly special in August: 10% Off Labor for Tire Rotation Service. Our tire rotation service is not only good for your tires, but it’s good for your vehicle, too. Yes, a tire rotation allows us to inspect the health of your tires, but it also alerts us to other issues that may be going on with your vehicle. For example, the wear on your front tires may indicate under inflated tires, or worn out struts. Seeing what is going on with your tire wear means that we could pinpoint potential ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2016
Why not start summer off with a fun road trip through Monterey County? Monterey County is home to beautiful, scenic drives, and June is the perfect time to take advantage of it. We have compiled a list of Monterey County’s top road trips: Highway One: Known to be the best scenic route in Monterey County, Highway One is a road trip not to miss. In fact, it has been named one of the top scenic drives in the world. This road is literally in our background. Why not enjoy it? 17 Mile Drive: 17 Mile Drive has earned a reputation for being one of the most beautiful places in the world. From gazing upon magnificent mansions to beautiful beaches, 17 Mile Drive has a little something for everybody. Old Coast Road: Before Highway One, this road was the only way to get into Big Sur. This historic road is similar to a time-machine. It will transport you back to the olden days, complete with a single lane dirt road and beautiful s ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2016
This year’s car show and festival season are just around the corner. Is your car in tip-top shape, both exteriorly and interiorly? Our team would be delighted to answer that question. When you bring your vehicle in Robert’s Collision and Repair, our team will: Detail and wash your car to perfection. At our 26,000 square foot facility, we will thoroughly detail your vehicle. Your car’s paint will sparkle. Your wheels and tires will shine. Your car’s carpet will smell and look fresh. Our detailing service is the ultimate facial for your beloved vehicle. We boast the latest and most advanced technology in the industry to service and repair your vehicle. From digital photo imaging to computerized paint mixing, we have it all, and we are not afraid to use it. Your car will in pristine condition for the upcoming show and festival season. Does your vehicle need new tires? Look no further than Robert’s Collision & Repair. Our tire center is here t ... read more
Posted on 5/9/2016
California is covered in hilly terrain, which is absolutely perfect for off-road fun. If you are looking to off-road your way into summer, we have compiled a list of the best places on the California coast: King’s Canyon: This canyon boasts tons of off-road trails. In fact, a couple of them are over twenty miles long. Most of these trails require only two-wheel drive. However, it is an excellent site to practice your four-wheel driving skills as well. Johnson Valley: If you are an avid off-roader, then, more than likely, you know about Johnson Valley. This beautiful place has something for everybody, from ATV to motorcycles. There is literally 190,000 acres for you and your family to explore. Big Sur: Big Sur is known for its breath-taking views. Most people don’t know about its fabulous back roads. The road is narrow with spellbinding twists and turns, along with boasting beautiful Sequoia to gaze upon. Big Sur is the absolute go-to place for off-roaders. Hu ... read more
Posted on 3/14/2016
With all the high-tech functions in today’s newer vehicles, the car battery often loses power faster than expected. Why? Your car battery is already supporting the vehicle’s sophisticated electrical system, but it wears down more quickly after you plug in your phone, your portable music players, your portable video players, etc. If you’re not sure when your car battery is wearing out, here are five signs it’s time to install a new one: Your engine is slow to start, or the cranking seems sluggish. Your check engine light is illuminated. You can see through the transparent casing that your battery’s fluid level is low. Your battery is covered in gunk or is bloated, which means there could be a fluid leak or it’s enduring excessive heat. Your car battery is three or more years old. Don’t be caught with a dead battery. Bring your vehicle into Robert’s Collision & Repair for battery replacement and service. We will be ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2016
Some people question if regular oil changes are really necessary. Depending on the vehicle, owners can feel that oil changes are pricey and a little inconvenient. Well, in our humble opinion, skimping on your oil changes is “penny wise and pound foolish”. For those unfamiliar with what goes on in the engine compartment when infrequent oil changes take place, here are a couple of eye-opening videos that will help you better understand the importance of regular oil changes. Though we did not create these videos, we are happy to share this useful information. Video 1: Why It Is Important To Change Your Oil We feel this mechanic’s video is right on the money. However, if you are using synthetic oil, you may only need to change it every 6,000 miles. Video 2: What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Oil Part 1 This video clearly shows all the work needed to remove the sludge made by the dirty oil ... read more
Posted on 2/15/2016
A lot of us love our cars. For some of us, they are our babies. Our pride and joy. But over time, our love for our cars may wane, especially if they don’t run like they should, don’t look as great as they used to, and they need a lot of repair. This is when new cars tend to lure us away from our old, beloved vehicles. For those of us who really, really want to keep that love alive with their vehicles, there is a way to rekindle that passion, and Robert’s Collision & Repair can help. Let’s say you really adore love your vehicle and want to make it look shiny and new again. Robert’s Collision & Repair has a few solutions for you, including: Paint correction and dent repair Auto detailing Mechanical restoration Paint correction and dent repair: If your vehicle looks like it has been scraped up, been in a few accidents, and has suffered at the hands of everyday wear and tear, paint correction and dent repair is a great s ... read more
Posted on 1/3/2016
Editorial Note: We can’t help but publish this love letter from your vehicle each year. It’s one of our annual traditions. Happy New Year from the entire Robert’s Auto Repair team! I, my human's vehicle, do solemnly swear to make the following New Year's Resolutions for 2016. I resolve to carry my humans and their precious cargo safely wherever they drive me. I resolve to stop as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. I resolve to respond quickly when my gas pedal is pushed, my steering wheel is turned, my brakes are applied, and when my human is running late. I resolve to provide warmth when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and shelter from the rain, wind, sleet, snow, and hail. I resolve to never hydroplane, slide, or lose control of myself on the road. I resolve to use gasoline efficiently, helping my human's money stretch as far as possible. I resolve to avoid all accidents, scratches ... read more
Posted on 10/19/2015

Auto battery Safety Month is in October. To celebrate, Robert’s Collision & Auto Repair is happy to provide information about maintaining a car’s battery and warning signs of a dying battery. Tips for maintaining a car's battery: If you can, park in a garage. A thoroughly insulated garage will keep your battery warm, which will prolong the life of the battery. Drive your vehicle on a routine basis. Avoid frequent, short drives. Try not to leave vehicle accessories on for a long period of time. For example, leaving a cell phone charger plugged in will require the battery to recharge constantly, which shortens the life of the battery. Make sure to have your vehicle serviced regularly. An engine in poor condition will overload the battery. Typically, batteries last about two to three years, but how do you know if your battery is on the verge of dying? Here are the signs to watch out for: Your engine cranks when you turn the key, but it will not st ... read more
Posted on 12/6/2010
During the holiday season, it's all about the lights! Christmas lights. Lighting the menorah. Luminaries along the sidewalk. Candy Cane Lane and Christmas In The Adobes. The Holiday Boat Parade. But for now, let's talk about the lights on your car, truck, van, or motorcycle. Headlights, tail lights, blinker and hazard lights, parking lights, dome lights and dashboard lights all have very important roles in your vehicle's lighting and safety system. Particularly during twilight conditions, at night and in poor weather conditions, lighting is a critical safety factor. For this reason, drivers should always make sure that their vehicle's lighting system is working properly. The lighting system of a motor vehicle consists of lighting and signalling devices mounted or integrated to the front, sides, rear, and in some cases the top of the vehicle. The purpose of this system is to provide illumination for the driver to operate the vehicle safely after dark, to increase the con ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2010
Many families hit the road during Thanksgiving Weekend, and your family may be part of the traffic heading out of town. What is the safest time to travel? Here are some helpful tips to make your Thanksgiving Weekend fun and safe. According to a AAA estimate, 81 percent of Americans will travel to their Thanksgiving destination via car this year. Surprised by this number? The weakened economy will force more people to stay home this Thanksgiving, but those that can travel will still do so by car. Preparing Your Vehicle For Thanksgiving Travel
Robert’s Auto Repair will be happy to do a FREE vehicle safety check if you call 831-373-1534 for your vehicle's next appointment and mention this blog. Your safety is our priority and we would be honored to have the opportunity to make sure your vehicle is hazard-free. Preparing Yourself for Thanksgiving Travel
W ... read more