Do you remember that fairy tale where a lion insults a mouse only to get caught in a trap? The mouse returns to chew the ropes and help the lion become free again? That story taught us the important lesson that even small things can be very useful in the long run.
The same is the case with maintenance of the family vehicle as well. We spend so much time focusing on the engine, transmission and other important and expensive components in the truck that we forget the role of antifreeze in the maintenance of your cars, trucks, motorcycles and vans as well.
To prepare your vehicle for the winter season, make sure your antifreeze is mixed properly, or you could see serious damage to your vehicle’s radiator. Often in Summer, water is the only component used in radiators to ensure the engine remains cool. As Winter approaches, many forget to remove the water when the seasons change and add antifreeze. Temperatures reach thousands of degrees in automobiles and the proper mixture of antifreeze and water is required to keep the engine cool no matter how cold it is outside.
If the mixture is not at the right levels, the water freezes inside the engine, ice will expand and the internal parts of the radiator shall crack. The water will flow out when the engine is running and you end up in a scenario where there is no water left to cool the engine. The end result is that your engine will get overheated even in the middle of a snowstorm and you will get stranded. Antifreeze ensures that this problem does not arise. The water shall be prevented from freezing up and will always remain flowing no matter how cold it is on the outside.
Robert’s Auto Repair is here to serve you and make sure your radiator and engine coolants safely see you through each journey. Call us at 831-373-1534 to schedule an appointment to check your antifreeze levels anytime before or during a service check-up or an oil change. You will receive a FREE automobile safety inspection if you mention this blog before the end of November.